slowatus, potential for hiatus.
18 June 2011 at 08:07 am

No, I'm just getting a new addition to the house, and I'll be spending a lot of time preparing the house, getting him adjusted, playing with him, and just generally being excited and happy rather than tagging. I'd expect zero tags over the weekend, and a gradual return over the next week. Lots to adjust to!

Also, the monday meme will probably be swamped with pictures. You're welcome XD

update: Nakama is going on temporary hiatus. Between lack of plans for her, slight voice weakness because of other voices in the canon bugging me and other matters, she's been on the back burner recently, so I think I'll focus on Kaworu for now. If something comes up that violently pings her (like Kana's arrival) or any plots crop up, she may reappear, but I shouldn't be making any new posts with her for awhile.
Mood: cheerful