29 April 2011 at 09:11 pm
Hello shiniest diamonds. First of all, I want to apologise. I never like dropping and especially when I still actually have a strong voice for a character, but I can't pretend this isn't an inevitability. I am going to drop Hermione. Marina is just the wrong setting for her and it brings out all the bad things about her character out rather than the good ones, and I don't want to play that forever. Unfortunately Hermione is such a mule and once she's made her mind up, well. SPEW never fucking died, let's just say. THAT IS HOW MUCH SHE DOESN'T SHUT UP. Bluh bluh excuses.

So I am sorry. Especially to Delphi, our lovely Harry player. Sorry love.

So okay, this is [info]pondered being dropped. Hopefully this will also lead to being less of a flake with Lenalee, which I'm sorry for. If I've dropped something somewhere and you want a tag, feel free to prod me/wallop me/tase me. Okay.