18 April 2011 at 12:08 pm
Zero Kiryuu
ALMOST back. Sort of slowatus until I finish this last project at work (which is overdue and sort of important and time sensitive) which should hopefully be done by the end of the week. Everything else should be loosening up and slowly coming together, leaving me with less stress. I'm pretty much moved in, just slowly going through boxes that need weeded out or organized a little better. Like the whole box of meds and toiletries that someone dropped in the move that probably half need to be thrown away and the other half found. Like my sons migraine meds I couldn't find yesterday. The box of old pictures need to be separated and divided up. That sort of stuff that no one but me CAN do. Yay.

Other than that, I'll slowly be throwing Kyou and Zero back in here. Let me know if you want them for something. I need to get myself back in the groove again.

I've missed you all. *GLOMPS*
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
18 April 2011 at 12:30 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Hey game! It's pleasant chatty-time hour, with your friends, the Marinarans!

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

Have fun!