12 April 2011 at 02:10 am
Nunnally vi Britannia's tech week for Love's Labour's Lost, family is coming up to visit and see the show this weekend, and my dog just died. I'm kind of a wreck right now in more ways than one and I'm not sure whether that will translate into lots of motivation to RP or withdrawal into academia. So tentatively for this week:

Nunnally ([info]harmonistic ) is on slowatus. Let me know if you need/want her.
Arianna ([info]incantatrice ) should be about normal and has priority this week due to the hidden object plot.
Aqua ([info]spellweaver ) is on hiatus barring special circumstances. I am more than willing to try to tag you next week, and if you really want to be a special circumstance, let me know.

This was significantly more coherent the first two times but I swear Firefox crashes every time a butterfly sneezes in Marina-land. Apologies if I'm not making sense or this causes any inconvenience.
12 April 2011 at 11:43 pm
Lloyd Asplund
I'm going to have some personal stuff to attend to that's pretty much guaranteed to snowball, so I'm going to go ahead and call a hiatus for a few weeks. Every time I start to get nice and active, something comes up. :/ That said, I'll do my best to finish up threads I'm in and/or backtag.

This goes for:
Lloyd Asplund ([info]ofpudding)
Chibiusa Tsukino ([info]pinksugarmoon)
Alice ([info]herknightmare)