Choo chooooooo :c
24 February 2011 at 12:16 am
Axel || viii
Hey, guys~ I'm just checking in real quick onto the hiatus train because I came down with some nasty bug yesterday and it's left me pretty much immobile. I'll give myself a couple of days--let's say until Saturday?--to just rest. Thanks, and don't party too hard without me! ♥

This affects Axel ([info]memorization) and GIR ([info]derpndots).

Axel will be at home making sure Roxas stays grounded 8| and GIR...will be staring at the sun for nine hours, how's that.
24 February 2011 at 01:51 pm
hum bug
So I know a lot of us are guilty about dropping tags - intentionally and unintentionally, myself especially. Myself especially.

So in attempts to curb this I've made a post where anyone I have threaded with can drop me a line screaming saying to PICK THIS THREAD UP AGAIN OR ELSE!

... So yeah! That's it. I hope this is okay to post :X
24 February 2011 at 03:33 pm
Damon, Wisely, Hitsugaya, and Minato are on hiatus. Damon is skulking around, Wisely is also skulking around, Kay has rights over Hitsugaya, and Jes has rights over Minato. Feel free to go wild with them.

tmitmitmi )

I'm sorry for dropping threads everywhere, ORZ.

EDIT: breaks hiatus for Wisely and Minato and Hitsugaya. Gah, I need to get ready for the AC.