Yaaay another intro post!
09 February 2011 at 09:08 am
Hi! I'm Masheli and I'm bringing Keiichi from X/1999 in- imagine a giant derpy completely normal puppy in that canon who deals with everything by trying to smile and bull his way through it. Yeah. Keiichi in a nutshell.

AIMwise, I'm Masheli Growing or LambadaSheli- Masheli Growing is my main AIM name, LambadaSheli is my mobile AIM SN I use when I'm on at my freaking slow place of work. Oh, oh, and I have a plurk! I'm Masheli over there, too.
Welcoming Committee Post/Plotting
09 February 2011 at 08:08 pm
Miranda Lotto
Hi, everyone, for all the new players who do not know, the welcoming committee handles the welcome baskets (with the brochure) all inmates receive when they newly arrive to the prison and often tries to help in making things easier to get used to.

Other than the welcome baskets, the welcoming committee doesn't have any specific way they are involved besides things members have done individually (such as the meet-and-greet Miranda did in November). This post is to help generating ideas that can be brought up in game for them to do. This can involve recruiting, changes to the welcome basket for the coming spring season, events they can run, and anything else you can think of! Any and all of the ideas can be brought up in game to/by the welcoming committee members as well.

To Haunt: Will Euphie be taking over her position as head of the committee in the future?