22 January 2011 at 03:05 pm
Princess Zelda
Just need a little break from RP so that I can focus on summer internship applications, as well as getting back into the swing of schoolwork and work in general. I'll be back somewhere around Feb. 10. This affects Zelda ([info]royalwisdom) and Red ([info]moe_hero).
22 January 2011 at 04:51 pm
I'm thinking I'll just be gone for about a week. I just need some time to focus on school and trying to balance RP and life is tiring for me right now (hence the icon). I don't think it will take longer than that, though.
Meme Time!
22 January 2011 at 09:54 pm
Kamui Shirou ✡ 神威 司狼
Guess what guys? It's time for a

✘ Reply with your characters
✘ People will ask questions about any headcanon you have for them
✘ Answer questions!
✘ Go ask other people questions!
✘ Repeat unto infinity

Some basic question ideas...
✘ When is _____'s birthday?
✘ Did _____ have any pets as a child?
✘ What is _____'s favorite genre of movies/music/books/video games?
✘ How does _____ take his/her coffee?
✘ Does _____ have any phobias?