15 December 2010 at 10:46 pm
Kamui Shirou ✡ 神威 司狼
My father passed away earlier today and I don't know when I'll be able to sort out all of my thoughts again.

I'm calling a hiatus until the end of December. I'll be sure to make a note if I'll be out longer than that.
Helpful Tools
15 December 2010 at 11:58 pm
Neil Dylandy / Lockon Stratos (I)
Hi all! Just wanted to link to a post I have been working on, which lists a few helpful tools and tricks that people can use to make RPing easier. Things like LJ Login, Texter, Tab Renamizer, etc.

Both newbie and veteran players alike can take something away from this, I hope, so without further ado: enjoy!

( Helpful RP Tools, Tips, & Tricks )

(This fake LJ cut leads to the page on my Touma journal, so that I don't have to redo a dozen comments to repost it here. XD But feel free to comment on either post!)

ETA: Fixed the cut. Thanks, Haunt. I fail. OTL