Also hiatusing for November
31 October 2010 at 07:50 am
Okay! Traveling all day today and most of tomorrow. Then I'll be home again. But after some debate, I've decided I'll be putting Gino, Roxas, and Fran on hiatus for November. This'll significantly lighten my load so that I can focus on other things, NaNo being one of those things.

All three kids will be disappearing from the dome for the duration of November, to prevent me from being tempted to continue meddling with them, the way I'm sure I would be if they were around but just sick or something.

On an OOC note, consider Suzaku apprised of everything Gino was apprised of, defense-force-wise; he's going to step up once they realize Gino's gone.

Lelouch, Allen, and Orihime will stick around.
[ State of the Apps ]
31 October 2010 at 01:22 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are open!

They will close next Sunday night (11/7) and will be closed until the end of November! So if you're working on apps, and you want to be in this batch, then you should get your apps in this week or for one month hold your peace.

And as a reminder, activity check will be going up tomorrow. Every character in the game must respond unless the mun is on an announced hiatus for the whole week of the AC.

Mini-meme: Are you planning to app someone? Watching a new series you might be interested in apping from? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time for a villain"? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time to DROP THEM ALL"? Tell us about it in the comments and get feedback/enabling/plotting! Prospective players too!
31 October 2010 at 02:20 pm
Soooooooo my director is kind of being a jerk a this week. I am literally not allotted time for dinner, much less RP, so I'm going to be poofing until next Monday when all of the play stuff is over. This affects Nunnally and Aqua, and if you end up needing them for something I will be more than happy to backtag when I have free time again.
31 October 2010 at 09:38 pm
My computer hasn't been working very well lately and it seems like November is going to be extremely busy for me so I'm going to take a week or two off. Hopefully it won't extend beyond that.