07 October 2010 at 12:51 am

I'M BACK GUYS. Turns out the store I work at sells power cables for my computer. FALSE ALARM.
Short hiatus
07 October 2010 at 01:39 am
Due to my brother coming in tonight from Washington for the wake on Friday, I'm going to take a short hiatus. He should be around until Tuesday or Wednesday so until then I'm going to only be tagging posts that I'm specifically directed to.

Meaning basically, if you need me before then make sure to IM me, poke me in chat or something. I will continue to backtag existing posts if there's more to do there but I don't want to add anything to my plate for the time being. And even that will be painfully slow for the period...

Considering all of the animosity around the death, I'm not sure how Friday is going to go - so I don't know what mindset I'm going to be in for the weekend, but schedule-wise that will be the best time for tagging.

I'll try to pick up activity again next week.
Mood: drained