Missing Tags?
19 September 2010 at 12:29 pm
Miranda Lotto
I probably should have gone on slowatus or something two weeks ago when I started to get sick, but I'm stubborn. But now I've been sleeping crazy hours and I know I'm missing several tags (my computer restarted and my tabs were gone), but I can't for the life of me find all of them.

So if you're waiting on a tag from me (I should be tagging you back, I didn't tag a post I was supposed to, etc), please say something here and I'll get right to it. Links to threads/posts would also be really helpful!

This counts for all of my characters:
Alma Karma ❀ [info]theyuuinsideme | Uchiha Itachi ❂ [info]antifratricide
Johnny Rayflo ☀ [info]handoffmycherry | Josak Gurriere ❣ [info]miss_biceps
Miranda Lotto ✵ [info]neverenoughtime | Richie Foley ☣ [info]put_it_in_gear
Soubi Agatsuma ❇ [info]hurt_me_ritsuka | Chad Sado ☯ [info]ambidextro
Joining the Crowd --> Slowatus
19 September 2010 at 01:11 pm
Hei/Li Shenshung
Obviously I haven't been on the ball with timely tag backs in the last week or two. Some of this is due to work, some is due to me, but I thought I'd give official warning of my slowatus anyways because... I'm not sure when I'll be out of this funk hopefully before the super hero event ends. Anyways, this affects Jennifer ([info]feelmylove), Hei/Li ([info]bottomless_pit, Greed/Ling ([info]prince_avarice) and Diva ([info]indigo_aria).
19 September 2010 at 02:20 pm
Gilbert G.P. Guilford
Dropping Guilford, effective this game day. He hung in there for longer than I thought it'd be, but...

Long and short of it is that his death was imminent, but I'm burned out on plotting, and need to lighten my burden immediately.

Giving perms for Euphie to inherit his school-related paperwork (of which there is a lot), and digital photo album -- and yes, Lelouch can browse it at some point, but it's free of incriminating information and/or hidden messages. All his other possessions are limited to clothes, books, and administrative paperwork so nothing big lost there.

All the rest are still hanging in there (which is part of why he has to go), so no worries, Marina~
*pokes IJ*
19 September 2010 at 02:21 pm
Tieria Erde
I have a feeling I may have missed some notifications. If I've dropped any threads, that's probably the reason why. I tend to try avoiding that because I do like to resolve things.

So, on that note, if there are any threads that aren't finished for [info]trial_by_veda, [info]kitty_phase, [info]pechesagittaire or [info]devine_braid, drop me a note here with a link, and I'll get back on it if you don't mind backtagging. If that's a problem, drop a note here anyway and we can plot how it ended so I can at least figure out how to move on.

In addition, my RP drive is starting to fall off a little, and I think it's due to some weird stressors between having to play catch up at work after they cut my temp job for a week and a half in the middle of several projects (so we're now swamped with work) and normal home life stressors that someone my age who's still living with their parents often experiences (such as wanting to kill each other over stupid stuff because three adults living in a small house is probably not a good thing). So, consider me on slowatus for the next few weeks, at least until after NYAF/NYCC (second weekend in October), since I'm hoping things will have caught up at work by then and having a few days away from my parents for con will help even things out at home. That should let my head settle a bit and bring back my creative abilities, since I've been feeling all my characters are getting a rather bland and somewhat quiet.

That's all for now!
Mood: exhausted
19 September 2010 at 06:29 pm
Okay I'm going to bite the bullet and take a slowatus I've got three assignments due next week, one on Tuesday two on Friday so yes slowatus for me until next Monday why I chose two have two assignments due in the same week I have NO idea...

this just effects Ianto.
19 September 2010 at 10:37 pm
Hi guys,

Long story short, life's really kicking me in the face right now, and has pretty much taken all motivation for anything, including RP. It's taking too much effort to even respond to the few tags I have, much less tackle the homework assignments that are beginning to pile up.

I need some time to just get my head back where it needs to be, de-stress a bit, and try and deal with the different crises that keep popping up.

So for now, I'm going on hiatus until I can get my motivation and focus back. Hopefully this won't take me an entire week, but I'm just going to say I'm aiming to be back around 9/25. I just need a break before I crack.