17 April 2010 at 02:37 pm
I have no idea if there's a post I'm supposed to note this on too.

Calling a haitus. Life is eating me alive. Godmod rights go to Naoya and Rei-muns. Deathmatch over it if you wish.

This affects [info]lightshepherd.
long time no see?
17 April 2010 at 02:38 pm
Sup, Marina?♥ I'm baaaaack from hiatus, which means [info]footwork, [info]gunfires, [info]loverising, and [info]nekky are all back. werd up.

Kaito will come back in the new day, I'll probably make a Lenalee's-back post uh. Soon today. yes she left too i just suck and failed at stating it properly. Glad to be back~
/crawls into a hole
17 April 2010 at 04:38 pm

So uh. This is me randomly disappearing for like... three weeks. And then coming back. And having... absolutely no excuse. Oh dear lord I am so sorry guys, I seriously have no idea what happened.

I am more than willing to backtag with Kazuma in his first post, but I don't blame you if you don't feel like backtagging, considering that was back around the end of March. I can safely say I'm totally gonna try to not let this happen again though. Because seriously.

Anyway, all my apologizing aside... WHAT'S UP?
Happy birthday to Li ♪
17 April 2010 at 08:34 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia

It is one of your moderators, Li, player of Suzaku, Kanda, Buffy, and Gin! And you should go here and join with everyone else giving her love and happy birthday wishes.

(You can do it using your IJ accounts, you don't need a DW account to comment here with love or memes, you only need one to post new love!)

Show your love to her, k? ♥
17 April 2010 at 09:35 pm
Not for me, durhur.

Meli's internet is kaput and they haven't been able to fix it, so until it does get fixed Yoite ([info]apparitional) is hiatused.
17 April 2010 at 09:59 pm
So Rukia is going to come off of her hiatus for a while. Jack and Kyouya will need to stay on because I just don't have the time to keep three characters going right now. I may also just end up dropping them altogether. I love them and I want to keep them, but there are some other characters I have ideas for and I think I'd be better off without those two. This isn't definite though, as of right now it's just a hiatus for them.

And that would be the end of my entirely unnecessary ramble :)
17 April 2010 at 10:00 pm
Kallen Kouzuki (Stadtfeld)
So. I was robbed today.

Whoever broke in got my laptop and my dad's computer, so until I get a working computer at home, I'm gonna have to call a slowatus.

Affects Kallen Kouzuki ([info]one_more_chance) and Pearl Fey ([info]pearlsbefore).

Sorry, guys.
17 April 2010 at 11:53 pm
Unfortunately, I've got to disappear from the interwebs for a bit. It's nearing that time of the year where college consumes me whole for a few weeks (thanks a lot, exams).

So, Grell ([info]bloodybutler)will be MIA until exams are done ♥