Possible Slowatus Thing
18 March 2010 at 12:13 am
Princess Zelda
Hello everyone! Tomorrow I'm getting FiOS installed, so my internet will be down for a little while. This shouldn't actually cause any problems for me tagging speed-wise, since it won't even be for a full day, but... the last time these guys were here to scope things out, they cut our gas line and we didn't have heat for a whole day. SO. Anything could happen, and since I'm on spring break and Ton isn't conveniently in the room with me to tell you guys about any problems I'll be having, I thought I'd give people the heads up. If something extreme does happen and I lose internet and stuff like that, I'll be back in the dorm on Sunday and everything will be super special awesome again.

CHANGE OF PLANS. Apparently I am not getting FiOS after all, because my dad did not like the way they were going to install it. Sad day. =( But I will now be around for tags with no problem.
18 March 2010 at 08:34 am
Hey, y'all. I've got a question.

I know people have mentioned communities on LJ where you can advertise for canonmates, but I can't remember what they're called. Can anybody help me out? Because I really would love some canonmates for Rei, especially Shinji or Kaworu, and I don't want to lean on anyone here since so many people are already bursting with characters.

(That said, if someone with less characters wants to help me out... ;D)

Anyway. That's all. Halp?
Mood: curious
18 March 2010 at 08:23 pm
Saber || Arturia Pendragon
Hiatus/ slowatus notice for the weekend. Depends if there's wifi at the hotel I'm staying at |D See everyone around~

Affects Saber and Tear.