16 March 2010 at 01:07 am
Do you like swordsmen famous for being beaten to death with oars by jerks who can't even make it on time to their damned duels?

Then, you'll love this jerk. You can call me Dan or Chimp-- and I'm bringing in Assassin from Fate/Stay Night. No spoilers in revealing his kind-of identity, Sasaki Kojirou, since he declares his name in the first sentence or two he speaks in canon.

He's coming in just at the end of Unlimited Blade Works' ending in the Visual Novel, so he'll be fairly calm and content with himself, reveling in the moment. Unless, of course, he meets the person who he became obsessed with fighting, then he might be a little more lively. Otherwise, the man will be reserved enough to nap in public and do absolutely nothing even when spoken to.

I'm not sure if he'll be fun in those regards.

Ari's fault.
16 March 2010 at 08:04 am
Charles J. Chrishunds
Hello everyone, I'm Duo and I'll be playing Charley Chrishunds from the manga Vassalord. I'm both new to the game and IJ so it'll take some getting used to, but I've been rping on LJ for about two years so I'm not completely new to this. ^^

Anyways if you ever need to contact me the best ways are through email:, or AIM: NearTheHeart. I usually check my email/sign into AIM everyday so I'm pretty easy to get a hold of.
16 March 2010 at 10:55 am
Yeah, I'm going to have to take a hiatus, which might just be four days to a week. I need to catch up on school things before the quarter ends, along with getting applications done for here and few other places. /burns school to the ground

I will tag every now and then, but expect them to be slow. orz

+ Rin ([info]singforever)
+ Lizzie ([info]dressup)
Single-character hiatus.
16 March 2010 at 12:51 pm
Reira's going on a holiday. The party line is that she's been helping Ashton move into his new place - the reality is that the girl just isn't speaking to me anymore, and I'm thisclose to dropping her, but I love her too much to be ruthless. So, possibly quite long hiatus. It's all up in the air atm.

I will attempt to finish threads currently in progress, but I'm very sorry, I just can't make promises. I don't want to butcher her character inadvertently because I've got such a sloppy grasp on her atm. Every attempt I've made to bring her back has been an exercise in futility thus far. Still, I will try.

But on the plus side, someone from Higurashi will be showing up soon. Just as soon as I decide who.


- m
Mood: frustrated
Hiatus-y thing
16 March 2010 at 01:18 pm
Just a quick note to say that I have two deadlines coming up (18th and 19th), which means I'm going to be attempting to toil tirelessly over said essays (ha, Sino-Japanese relations and "日本に関する社会問題" 8| shoot me now).

What this means in theory is that I'll be alternating between whining at people and writing essays. And possibly tagging. My completely unannounced hiatus will end on the twentieth, but there's a possibility I'll be around and actually tagging in the meantime. As for Saturday, I'll be travelling six hours back down to my parent's house, and half of that will be spent on a train with internet, so if you happen to see me on AIM, please entertain me sob.

Apologies for the complete fail at activity this month D: If anyone wants to plot or what have you, just catch me on AIM! I leave it running most of the time.
16 March 2010 at 04:21 pm
So, apparently, things this week aren't as hard as they seemed! Of course, thanks to school, English and Maths' classes, my tagging will be slower and my time online more... limited. P.E. is going to kill me on Tuesdays and Fridays, that's for sure, but I just can't quit this place! Even if I can't be online most of the day like I would like.

Oh, also! Welcome to all the new people!

Len Kagamine ([info]meshitsukai) is back!
Mood: silly
So uh
16 March 2010 at 05:42 pm
Akito/Agito/Lind Wanijima
Apparently I'm having some trouble lately with Ammy and Gato...or rather Akgido have taken over my brain too much.

So I was wondering if there was anywhere anyone wanted me to tag with one or the other? I'd do my best in replying. Muses are lacking but I need to get them in gear Dl I knew apping more than one character was a bad idea sob

Rei-mun, I am getting to tagging you! Just trying to work out if Ammy will talk or not. She doesn't always and it can be hard to figure out lD;;
Baseball Opening Game Plotting/Voting!
16 March 2010 at 07:26 pm
Yuuri Shibuya
Day 55 will be our VERY FIRST baseball game! I finally got around to it! Yaaaay~ (It helps if you yay with me. Less pathetic.) Now, I've tried to work through things here, but I'm always open to suggestions, and I actually know pretty much noting about baseball too, so if something is just crazy town, let me know.

1) We will do some bare bones plotting of the game first with a determined winner and score and some highlights. Highlights might include someone hitting the ball so hard that the bat broke. Or a 20 minute rain delay because Yuuri turned into his maou mode and flooded the field. We don't need that many really. The post should have as much spontaneity as possible! So comment below with your possible highlights, suggestions, thoughts, concerns, etc. Oh! It would also be great if you could say what position you'd like your character to play if you are actually on the team. Or if your character will be out with an injury or anything like that.

2) The IC post will go up proooobably Wednesday of next week depending on how things shake out. It will have some baseball announcer type descriptions of the game (based on the plotting we do here) for people to build their tags around.

3) Sections will be set up for people to respond under just to keep things a little neater: Before Game | After Game | Cheerleaders | Crowd | Team 1 Dugout | Team 2 Dugout | Team 1 Outfield | Team 2 Outfield

4) Players, cheerleaders, fans, hecklers can tag wherever appropriate. (ie. Only cheerleaders should post under the cheerleader heading. HOWEVER! Others could post reaction tags there.) Threadjacking will be VERY encouraged! You can play out a highlight that has been mentioned or create new ones or have fights in the crowd over whose butt looks best in the uniforms. Whatever! (er...whatever as long as it doesn't dramatically change the bare bones plotting we are about to do. The winner should stay the winner and all that.)

Oh, and there will be a baseball practice post going up soon if someone wants to join before the game and to take care of some details ICly. It may be a little special because of the event though!
16 March 2010 at 11:54 pm
Tear Grants

  1. You leave a comment (starting a new thread) with the names of your characters and links (please for the sake of people whose browsers are already slow ;;) to some pictures of them. Make sure to tag NSFW links!
  2. Reply to other people's threads stating if each of your characters would tap their characters'.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!
Marina's Anonymous Kink Meme - Take Two
16 March 2010 at 11:56 pm
You know the drill! Anonymously request porn, anonymously write porn to fill in the requests.