25 February 2010 at 10:47 am
I am just feeling really burned out on Marina lately, and I'm not sure exactly why. But I am thinking a short hiatus might fix things! I'm not sure how long it's going to last... maybe about a month? I guess I should have my bearings by then.

Apollo is getting lost by the dimensional stabilizer. And Char, Maya has a key to his office if she wants one, if she has any reason to need to get in.

Fletcher is laid up in bed with a cold. He won't be wearing his headset (needs his rest) or accepting visitors (for fear of infecting them). If anyone asks, he sends an apology, through Russel, for worrying them.

I'll still toss Fletcher at the thread with Jennifer, Ryu, and Pearl, since that's been planned, but after that you won't be seeing much of them. Sorry, guys ♥
25 February 2010 at 02:54 pm
I direct your attention over to this thread, as it is extremely relevant to your interests (I think).

Thar be Devil Survivor spoilers in there.

... But I thought you guys should know.

That is all. :|b

- Matt
drop ;-;
25 February 2010 at 05:35 pm
I've tried putting this off, hoping it wouldn't come to it, but I don't think I can avoid it any longer. I'm dropping. I love Marina, and all the people here, but trying to stay active takes too much time. My writing has been being neglected, and I've got a lot going on for the next few months. I might come back at the end of the summer, cause I really do love all of you guys. So this might not be forever?

I'll miss all of you~

Characters dropped: Dino, Fran, Tajima, and Bakura.
Mood: sad
Goodbye, Marina.
25 February 2010 at 07:15 pm
I've really enjoyed the time I spent here, and I have been putting this off as well hoping it didn't really need to happen, but it's time for me to go. Marina has gotten too big for me. There are too many people, and too many characters, and as a result the game moves too fast. I'm really glad that so many people love it here, and congrats to the mods that your game is so popular, but big games are just not something I can handle.

The bigger reason is that with school, I simply don't have the time that you lovely people deserve to be given! I don't find myself even having time to check the community anymore. =(

I love you guys, I loved Marina, and I miss you all already! ♥ ♥ ♥

This drop effects Riku, and Cheri.