25 January 2010 at 12:50 am
Hey everyone! It's Charis again (Bakura/Mihashi/Dino-mun). I've got some good news, and some bad news.

I'm dropping Mihashi, but I've now got his best friend, Tajima from the series Ookiku Furikabutte!

Tajima is an eccentric boy, who loves baseball just as much as he loves porn. Just a warning though, he seems to be missing that brain to mouth filter many of us find rather crucial. He's friendly though (even if he's not that bright), and he would love to be able to get along with all of you, so I hope you all give him a warm welcome!
25 January 2010 at 01:31 am
Uh. Hi.

Ethan here, once again, with my last character: Cheryl Heather Mason of Silent Hill fame. Specifically, from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. She's got a few problems, to say the least, but is generally a nice kid, albeit one with a severe Electra complex.

...I'm going to refrain to say too much, for fear of spoilers, but I'll just say this: I loved the game, I loved this character, and I'll do my best to do her concrete part justice. x3 If you ever have any concrit for me, I'll be posting on ACs whenever possible - however, I can also be reached at Derpy Angel (AIM), and I'll be working on getting an anon-enabled concrit post up for Cheryl here!

(<3 you guys. :D )

OH ALSO. Oddly enough, she's not quite Cheryl "Heather" Mason from Silent Hill 3, meaning that (if I understood the mods correctly) Heather could still be apped as a separate character. Just throwing that out there. ;D

please please please clone-CR would be so jawesome

25 January 2010 at 01:37 am
Heeey kids. Guess who's in town.

This is Ri again, bringing you a more wholesome kinda guy. Meet Udou Akira, former Chou Jyuu and current bitchboy coffee-boy to one (1) Wanijima Kaito. He's right off the rooftop arc, so don't expect any fancy tricks from him yet. Or even when he's out of restraint. Gimp!beast ahoy.

if you need anything, plot or otherwise, hit me up on aim over at MYSEXYMUM.
25 January 2010 at 01:48 am
Tear Grants
Geez, we have a bunch of these lately :x

Anyway, just a note to say that due to the events last night, people in the shelter will be affected; should you want to play it out, obviously. If you don't, you don't have to mention it at all!

In short, Tear's mass healing affected all of Sector 1 and the Shelter, and what this means for people-- that weren't even wounded and just sound asleep-- is basically feeling as energized as they can be, top of their peak, refreshed, etc. and strangely free of worries, negative thoughts, etc. when they wake up. They can remember hearing her song if they want; through their sleep, whatever works, how you want to play it!

...That is all for this public service announcement o/
25 January 2010 at 03:25 am
Hi! My name is Matt, and I'll be playing your resident derpdragon one of your resident derpdragons Ryu from Breath of Fire IV.

... What does one put here, exactly? Now we see where my character gets his derp from. Uh... you can find me on AIM at demony0uko, that's the best way to get in touch with me, really. I'll most likely be throwing some information up on Ryu's journal about his abilities and such, since... well. Breath of Fire IV seems to be a good case of Our Dragons Are Different, insert other appropriate tropes here and so on and so forth.

I look forward to playing with you all! :D \o/
25 January 2010 at 04:42 am
I'm Leah and whereas I am not new to roleplay, I am new to COMMUNITY-based roleplay so...I'm apprehensive but excited.
I am also up at 4:43 in the morning, no idea why, hyped up on tea because I made a pot and damned if I am going to let it go to waste. So...if I'm all over the place, this is why.

I'm joining as Daisy Steiner, from Spaced, the British cult-comedy-classic from the start of the millennium, I think. Daisy is a slacker and an aspiring journalist at the same time so that works out interestingly. She is also rather awkward, but extremely friendly. I...think that should be what is necessary.

Anyway, for reaching me, there are many places but most likely are my listed email address (it is, isn't it? I'm new to InsaneJournal also) and my AIM which is moralsremitted. The only thing remaining to say is that I talk a lot but I'm actually quite shy so if you want to start any sort of CR/have a plotting idea or whatever, I'm sorry, please come to me, I will be petrified of initiating anything but it is not because I am indifferent it is just because I'm mad and overthink things.

Clearly, I have chosen the right character? IDEK.

Hi y'all!
25 January 2010 at 06:56 am
My nickname is Delphi, and I bring to you Mami, the farmer chick from Breath of Fire IV! She's real friendly and has an awesome accent.

My AIM's IvyMidnighter, if anyone wants to reach me.

I am really happy to be here! \o/ Wheeeee~
25 January 2010 at 12:16 pm
Fresh meat here, I go by Tamy and I bring you Allelujah Haptism from Gundam 00. He's coming from another prison, complete isolation so don't be surprised if he's a little confused/shook up at first. He's still quite polite out of habit and would likely adore your character forever if the muzzle is removed.

My AIM is ravinginsane and I love random IMs/plot bunnies/ideas for further torture.
25 January 2010 at 12:17 pm
Hello! My name is Chrissy, new girl on IJ and this community so, it's great to be here. To complete the Kagamine twins, I'm bringing in Rin Kagamine from Vocaloid. Even though she's from a different setting than Len, she's still his twin sister. She is a pretty calm and genlte girl who barely got no human interaction due to being trapped by a dragon. Isn't that fun? 8D

Anyways, you can contact me on AIM as Crystal Ipod, [info]fatesong on my IJ main, or miraclefoo on Livejournal. It's nice to be here!
25 January 2010 at 12:18 pm
Neil Dylandy / Lockon Stratos (I)
Hello~ This is Pip (Ashton-mun) bringing in my second character, Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy) from the first season of Gundam 00.

His hobbies include:
+ Revenge
+ Overthrowing oppressive warmongering government organizations through armed interventions
+ Sniping your hearts ♥♥♥

Also, have another Haro.

Rewatching this canon is so hard for me. ; ;
Hello my darlings~!
25 January 2010 at 12:51 pm
Kobato Hanato
HALLO~! Kitten again! Bringing to you my THIRD character! For those not familiar with this adorable pup she's Kobato Hanato from...Kobato! She's kindness incarnate and super naive and cute. I SUGGEST YOU READ. She's CLAMP but the atmosphere of her series so far is pretty different from other CLAMP works, however~ there is lots of crossover. WISH and Kobato take place within the same world, so you see many elements from that series, including the actual characters themselves (I heard xxxHolic takes place in Kobato-land as well).

Other crossovers include but at not limited to~ Cardcaptor Sakura. You see her brother working part-time jobs in the background occasionally (for Legal Drug peeps no less~!), Angelic Layer, and heavy AU Chobits! You can find a list of all the crossovers neatly displayed here.

She's not human, unfortunately canon doesn't want to actually reveal WHAT Kobato is yet. She's not used to the whole human thing however, and often mixes up her facts or else naively comes to ridiculous conclusions. She does however have a mission...


She'll be wandering around, wanting to 'heal' everyone's injured hearts. Unfortunately she doesn't even really know how to go about doing this, and the few times she has managed to heal anyone, it was without her knowing she actually had. A couple little facts

  • You'll never see her with her hat off. She's not allowed to take it off.
  • She's not supposed to fall in love with anyone she heals
  • ...We see her around food but we've never actually seen her eat food before. So IDK. Might not be eating much.
  • She travels around with a stuffed animal dog named Ioryogi who is actually not a stuffed animal at all. He's a Lord of the Spirit world, but is currently being punished by heaven for waging war on them. Punishment is to be in that form and help Kobato grant her wish. Unfortunately he's not here to tell her when she's being stupid, so she'll be sad without him.
  • Kobato's wish is to go to some place. CLAMP hasn't wanted to reveal that yet either though...
  • She will want to heal you~
That is all. Please play nice with her. lakjdgaa She has so many expression...I'm already about at 100 and need to make so many more because I like my expressions, dangit. STILL WORKING ON ALL THAT. But I've put part of her layout up. *Loves on the mods for making layouts so easy*

Okay done for realz.
New character!
25 January 2010 at 03:55 pm
Hey all! This is Icki (Sakamoto-mun) with her second and most-likely final character from Eyeshield 21, Ichiro Takami.

Unlike Sakamoto he is openly intelligent, and for the most part a very normal guy. One of the things I like about him is, in a manga/anime full of exaggerated and unreal personas Takami really stood out to me as a normal human being. He has some self confidence problems, as he realizes that despite his brilliance with tactic strategies and position as the captain of one of the best football teams on the circuit, he really is only an average player and gained his position through painstaking effort. He has a permanent injury in his left leg that renders him unable to run very fast. He's also insanely tall- About 6'3", and is a gentle giant.

Just, don't get on his bad side, otherwise he's a completely different person.
25 January 2010 at 06:14 pm
Remi here! Second character get. Every please give a warm welcome to Saiyuki's Sha Gojyo!

Things you should know about Gojyo:
-He is a pervert.
-Hakkai is his bff.
-If you hurt Hakkai he might try to kill you.
-He is very vain.
-He will hit on you if you are a pretty girl.
-He chain smokes.
-He drinks.
-He gets loud.
-He hates holy dickheads.

OTHER THAN SOME OF THESE BAD THINGS, Gojyo is a generally likable guy and won't try to start too much shit.

o/ Enjoy! You can still grab me at Cobalt Eyed Lily on AIM or drop me an e-mail at anana.chan@gmail.com.
Loli Get #2
25 January 2010 at 06:59 pm


Other than that, It's Yaywon and I'm bringing my, hopefully not really, fifth character into Marina. She's Anya Alstreim from Code Geass who never says more than a sentence and takes pictures of everyone and everything.

With a twist of course (like all Code Geass chars), she has Marianne's personality inside of her too so yeahhhhh expect some weird stuff from time to time!

Now that I think about it...Anya is kinda like another psycho-loli. If it wasn't self-cesting than she and Road would get along so well.
Mood: cheerful