On the defense team!
06 January 2010 at 06:14 pm
Gino Weinberg
So, we have this defense team now! And you may or may not know this, but they're a group of sane people armed with weapons who get notifications from Sentience whenever an inmate's lifesigns go all to hell, such as by weakening or suffering pain.

First, a disclaimer: I absolutely do not want to ruin your fun. I don't want to say "The defense team rescues everyone every time." If you want to have reasons why the defense team can't interfere or doesn't get there in time or doesn't notice, that's totally okay.

Buuuut keep in mind when plotting that without an explanation, the defense team has to pretend that everyone was out to lunch every single time there's a plot that involves hurting each other. We need your help! We don't want to horn in on your private plots, but we also don't want to have the defense team standing around not doing the job they volunteered to do for no IC reason. To use one immediate example, there's no way Yamamoto could stop Road, since anything he swung at her would just pass right through her, so working with the defense team wouldn't affect the plot itself; but there's a world of difference between "The defense team tried to stop the Conrad/Lavi fight and failed" and "The defense team didn't even notice Conrad/Lavi getting beaten to a pulp". We don't want the defense team to be just pretty words and no action!

So I just wanted to let everyone know that it would be really awesome if you tried to include the defense team in your plotting. We're happy to have things to do, if your characters just want to go to them for help; and we'll work out ways that they can keep from interfering with your plots if you want to go all the way, or ways that they can intervene if you don't want things to go too far, or whatever you want to do. We'll work with you, just let us know what you want!

If you comment to Gino's contact post, or this post, or contact a member of the defense team to work out getting them involved -- whether they are successful or not -- we would all love you.

To JOIN the defense team, you'll have to talk to Gino ICly, or talk to Sentience about it so you get pointed at Gino. You do get a weapon. And cookies.

The defense team currently consists of: Gino, Suzaku, Kallen?, Axel?, Cloud, Sakamoto, Willow, Rtas, Yamamoto, Conrad, Kaito, Allen, Lavi, Kanda, Lenalee, Miranda, Komui, Reid, Chuck, Tear, Kitty, Zero, Battler, and Kurogane. You can contact their players to get them involved directly, or just comment here or on Gino's contact post!