15 November 2009 at 12:17 am
gdit marina

why can't I quit you

Anyhow, to those of you who didn't meet me the last time I was here - the name's Ethan, and I'll be dragging Shirley Fenette from Code Geass back into the fray! She's a pretty nice person, even if she has that one rather nasty habit of jumping to conclusions (and that other nasty habit of crushing on a terrorist ringleader).

She'll remember everything from last time - it'll be to her as if she didn't even vanish in the first place.

<3 good to have her back, you guys.
/o/ Hello~
15 November 2009 at 12:50 am
Hi everyone! My name's Ciara and I'll be playing Beatrice from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni! It's my first time playing her but I will try my best to do a good job! I'm really looking forward to playing with all of you and having Beatrice troll interact with everyone!

She'll be fluttering around from time to time in the form of a golden butterfly, at least that's how your character will perceive her until they accept that Beatrice is a witch. It's not that unbelievable of course. Hopefully they'll do so without complaint because that's when the fun will start! ♥

If you'd like to talk to me/plot/whatever simply hit me up on AIM at splitpsychosis~ I'm more than happy to chat with people!

That said, once again I'm really excited to play here, even though I'm quite nervous XD; I hope to play with you all soon! ♥
Mood: amused
15 November 2009 at 12:51 am

All righty, KUZCOTOPIA Marina, let's get it crackin'. This is Koko and I bring you the one, the only Emperor Kuzco (the Emperor part you must never forget!) from the Emperor's New Groove. So all bow down and say his name or you'll make him very pissy. He's a total cheeseball, but I think he'll fit right in so long as no one throws off his groove or flashes their vampire teeth on the screen.

I bet you don't have a theme song guy, Lulu. >O