( ゚Д゚) ┐
08 November 2009 at 02:35 am
[LORD] Tyki Mikk
GUESS WHO'S BACK??????????

um yeah hi guys i missed you
i play tyki again
and and and uh
idk !!!!!!!

for those who have absolutely no idea who i am, I AM OLI.


o(`ヘ´)o i like emotes and potatoes.
08 November 2009 at 08:39 am
Hiiiii, sexy people ♥ I'M NEW.

My name's Keli and I'll be playing Lenalee Lee~ Uhh. I'M NOT VERY CREATIVE RIGHT NOW I JUST WOKE UP 8( Sorry. Just pretend there's some interesting/catchy info here about her and about how cool I am.

My AIM is girls wear prada, feel free to poke me for anything if I'm on. I also have a HMD post on her journal so. Feel free to use it during any faaaaails ;;
[ Activity : October : Follow-Up ]
08 November 2009 at 10:48 am
Marina Asylum Mods
October activity check is over! Feel free to go back there and make sure you didn't miss anyone you'd like to give crit to. We've had several last-minute entries, and they deserve feedback, too!

Characters who were missed this time include:

Code Geass | Schneizel el Britannia (hiatus)
Final Fantasy | Seifer Almasy
Fruits Basket | Kakeru Manabe
Fruits Basket | Kyou Sohma
Fruits Basket | Machi Kuragi
Fruits Basket | Tohru Honda
KHR | Ryohei Sasagawa
KHR | Takeshi Yamamoto

Kingdom Hearts | Marluxia
Kingdom Hearts | Mickey Mouse
Ookiku Furikabutte | Ren Mihashi (hiatus)
One Piece | Portgas D. Ace
Ouran | Kaoru Hitachiin
Prison Break | Michael Scofield
Toward the Terra | Jomy Marquis Shin (dropped)
TRC | Kurogane
Yuugiou | Ryou Bakura/Touzokuou (hiatus)

Fishbone and Kichiri also need to intro Wolverine and Tallahassee next week, as a reminder.

If you're on this list mistakenly, then leave a comment and we'll fix it. If you're on this list rightfully, then don't forget about us! We miss you when you're not active, and missing two activity checks is a presumed drop. Feel free to apologize/explain/etc in the comments here, and we'll strike you off the list.

We've also missed Akira Udo, Gintoki, Kagura, Muta, Kimi Toudou, Lambo, and Ranka Lee. They've missed two activity checks (or were never introed) and will be dropped.

If anyone can get in touch with Cow, Lambo's player, please do. She has been active through October, but completely skipped several activity checks. She will be dropped if we don't hear from her and can't get in touch with her.