01 October 2009 at 05:22 pm
Willow Rosenberg
Hey guys,

So my internet’s been down since yesterday and I have no laptop or anything, so I dropped down by the library to let y’all know. Had someone come by and check earlier today but they couldn’t get it to work, so not sure when AT&T will be back and fixing it. Hopefully later this evening but I don’t know.

So currently on a hiatus until it is fixed (hopefully soon, I’m pissed off at AT&T right now). Sorry for everyone who is waiting for a tag. This is affecting both Willow and Maya.

Also, my chat!heeblejorbs: I miss you, sob.

EDIT: NOW FIXED, back to tagging shortly
[Activity : September]
01 October 2009 at 07:44 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
[Activity : September]

1. Activity check!
Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play.

Use your character's community tag to find their activity and summarize it.

Be detailed! "Deire mostly just hung around" is not detailed. But don't be tl;dr! Two comments worth of a small essay riddled with links is tl;dr. You know we love you all, but the purpose of that section is to remind people what your character has been up to, so that any thoughts about your characterization will come back to them. It defeats the point if it's too long to read.

You'll have one full week to comment, until the 7th. After that, the mods will check with you to make sure you're still interested. If not, you're dropped; if yes, you get one strike. You also get a strike if you haven't had enough activity.

2. How's my driving?
Please respond to other people's comments! Tell them if you think their characterization is right, wrong, just slightly off the mark; tell them if you think their character is so X Y and Z that you've decided to read/watch/play their canon; tell them if you think they as a player need to work on something, IC or OOC. You don't have to know someone's canon to give them valuable feedback.

Please do critique people freely. That's what this is here for. You're encouraged to comment anonymously if that would make you more comfortable, or logged in if you're not shy!

3. Apply!(?)
Your app limit is now reset, and you're free to app up to another two characters.
Slow-atius alert.
01 October 2009 at 11:20 pm
In the next few days, I'm going to be very busy due to me going on a trip away from school to finish up some summer stuff and my home game. I should have Internet access through the trip, but I won't be able to update as much as I do right now. I guess it's a good thing I'm not very active in the story yet; I am however sad I won't be able to participate as much in the Beach Party as I had hoped.