ヘ(`ー´)ノ <(bai 4 now ilu kk)
22 September 2009 at 01:19 am
Oli : time explosion in space with puppies

I hate saying goodbye (because I don't intend to be gone for long) but I thought it'd be rude not to say something. I love everyone here, and I've had some fun times! But I just don't think I'm having the same amount of fun as I was before, and I'm not being as active as I should be -- It's sort of a rut, and I'd rather not squat on characters if I've got no inspiration anymore.

I'll most likely be back! Maybe with a hot girl in a school uniform with a samurai sword.

I won't say goodbye because I'm not going anywhere, and I'll still obv be around, so I'll just say ta ta for now, see y'later gators.
Sorta Hiatus
22 September 2009 at 03:04 am
Val and I are taking mostly hiatus for the rest of the week. School and work are starting this week, and I'm really stressed about a few things right now.

Sora and Riku left their communicators in their room and are not speaking to or interacting with anyone for the rest of the day, just going about their bot escorted business. We think this is probably best for them.

So we'll see you all Monday!

(PS: Cheri will still be here, though slow~)