20 August 2009 at 11:46 am
Lelouch vi Britannia
FYI you guys

Entirely optional thing

But if you feel like it

...you should dig up icons of your characters as kids and maybe get them uploaded.

This has been your warning.

(Note: You can only participate if your character has actually BEEN a child at some point.)
20 August 2009 at 02:36 pm
So uh...I wonder how many remember I exist lol. InsaneJournal was being...insaaanely weird and not letting me log in since we basically moved over.

That being said--I would love to get Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) and Pip Bernadette (Hellsing) back in the game. But I have been so far out of the loop lately--Help? If anyone wants to log/setup something let me know? I can be reached here, or by AIM via the name littlenosymouse

Why can't I quit you!?
20 August 2009 at 11:40 pm
Yuuri Shibuya
Remember that slow-atis I mentioned for this weekend? Um, yeah, disregard. I'm not going on the trip, but I still have the days off so unless I get otherwise productive it will probably be a fast-atis. </spam>