16 August 2009 at 09:47 pm
Yuuri Shibuya
I'm going to say I'm on slow-atius toward the end of this week and then until late next Tuesday. I'll be going on a trip. At the moment I am planning to bring the laptop so barring something terrible (and my pessimism is in full force so I fully expect something terrible) I should be online there too at times. Who knows, I may end up playing more. But, I thought I'd give a heads up in case I do disappear.

This will affect Yuuri, Spike, and Cornelia.
wtffail. +anime con pics
16 August 2009 at 11:49 pm
Portgas D. Ace
HEY! I'm alive! It seems like all I do is apologize for failing to post these days (thank you, farm life) but um, I wanted to give you all an update because I recently got back from a convention where I cosplayed as Ryohei and had a blast with my Lussuria-dear~ (yes, Lussuria's player here went as my Lussuria).

So... I have photos! Be afraid. Most of these are Luss/Ryo poses (though nothing graphic, sheesh, I was in public) so if you don't wanna see then I suggest you don't click the link. Click it anyway. DO IT. WITNESS MY MANLY RYOHEI CHEST. My hair was kinda too long because IT GROWS EXTREMELY FAST LIKE THOSE LITTLE SPONGE PEOPLE YOU PUT IN WATER but other than that I think we did okay. The rest of my convention pictures will be in here eventually but it'll probably take me a few weeks because I'm a slow buggar at times. ;;

Some of these were taken by an awesome photographer who also happens to be one of my con buddies ♥ The difference in photos is very obvious, but just so you know, the last ones were hers. :3
Mood: chipper