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Matty & Augustus: BACKDATED [10 Nov 2007|09:44am]
11-10-2007 RP: Augustus Rookwood and Matilda Dukelow

Characters: Augustus & Matilda
Setting: Hogsmeade Ball, After the spell wears off BACKDATED
Summary: Augustus tries to charm her dress off her. Will he have any success?

Mind if I had this dance? )
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Mary & Sirius BACKDATED [10 Nov 2007|10:22am]
11-10-2007 RP: Sirius Black and Mary Macdonald

Characters: Sirius & Mary
Setting: Forced date at the Ball; Backdated
Summary: Sirius finds himself stuck to the mysterious girl behind the matching mask. He's rather frusterated at not knowing who the bird is, but after a few minutes, he just focuses on having a good time, instead.

Read more... )
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Josh & Clare - BACKDATED [10 Nov 2007|10:43am]
11-10-2007 RP: Joshua Bones and Clare Breckenridge

Characters: Josh & Clare
Setting: Masquerade - Backdated
Summary: Forced date FTW

tongue tied )
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Owl to Beverly Malkin [10 Nov 2007|12:00pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]potionisprince)

Owl to Beverly Malkin )
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OWL to Quidditch Players [10 Nov 2007|03:08pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Owl to All Quidditch Players and Reservists )
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Owl from Persephone to Christine, HannahJo, and "Unknown" [10 Nov 2007|03:48pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thethestral)

Owls to the Spirit of Quidditch Heads )

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Owl to Meghan McCormack [10 Nov 2007|04:14pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]healingshan)

Owl to Meghan McCormack )
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Log: Danger/Elaine [10 Nov 2007|05:17pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deoppressoliber)

Characters: "Danger" Diggle and Elaine Campbell
When: During Dinner, Nov. 10, 1976
Where: Ravenclaw Commons
Rating: TV-MA (L,V) for Adult Language, Adult Themes, and Mild Violence

Summary: Danger is drunk and looking for a fight. Elaine is torn in her own right. A fight ensues.

the tone of the voice and the words themselves told her this was pure Danger Diggle -- and a whole other creature )
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RP Log: Just Edgar [10 Nov 2007|09:43pm]

Characters: Just Edgar Bones, snoring wife in the background
When: Early evening
Where: His sitting room
Rating: PG

Summary: Edgar needs to grow up.

Why can't you be making something better of your life, Edgar? You're an affluent young man with every option at your disposal. )
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Log: Matty & Augustus; Complete [10 Nov 2007|10:05pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deceitfulaugust)

Who: Matilda & Augustus
When: Shortly after the Quidditch Match; Before the Ravenclaw Quidditch Fighting
Where: Hospital Wing
What: In keeping with his plan to charm the pants off of Matilda, Augustus comes to "cheer" Matty up.

If you don't need a bit of cheering up than I'm a bloody Gryffindor )
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Owls [10 Nov 2007|10:13pm]
11-10-2007 Owl: Edgar Bones to Amelia Bones and Joshua Bones

Owl to Amelia Bones )

Owl to Joshua Bones )

Dear Edgar,

I must admit that I was shocked to return home and find your owl waiting for me. I was unsure if I should read it or not; now that I have I know it was the right choice.

I know how difficult it must have been to admit that. But I don’t think you know how difficult it was for me to read it.

Edgar, you’re my older brother, but as we go through life I have realized that this has come to mean less and less. Yes, when we were younger you were doted on, and I never second-guessed the fact that you were destined for greatness, and I was destined for marriage. I suppose I should really thank you and Sarah though, and not rub it in your faces that you married and had Matty at such a young age. While I am resentful toward you for throwing all of your talent, skill, and possibilities away, you managed to get mother and father away from thinking that all of us had a prescribed destiny, which allowed me to pursue my career without hesitation.

I know now that you did not lose anything with Matty, but gained so much more than you could have had he not been born. Most importantly, you gained the opportunity to make your own life. I don’t want you to throw that away though, which is why I was so concerned about the death threat. I know you think going to Rufus was a bad idea, but I was going to respect that. I told you that he may me feel guilty, thus leaving me no choice but to confess what had happened. He was only trying to help, and so was I. And honestly, it came down to the point where I would have rather incurred your wrath over detailing the situation to Scrimgeour than have you dead because no one would do anything.

Are you sure that you want me to be the godmother still? Wouldn’t you rather someone who you and Sarah can trust completely? Someone who won’t undermine you authority and poison her with beliefs and ideas that conflict with your own? You’re dooming yourself to an overly rebellious teenage from the start. Wouldn’t Sarah’s sister be a better choice? I am ecstatic that you and Sarah are having another baby, and I can’t stress that enough.

Don’t worry about the lamp; we were able to get it fixed. I’m sorry about giving you a hard time about it Edgar.

As much as I know I should write to Josh, I know that if I do I’ll end up pouring out all the sordid details of the Greer case, which would be in clear violation of policy. Plus, it would worry him to no end. I was able to see Deshan Patil’s journal entry before he crossed it out, and it took all of my willpower not to tell him that someone had been caught. Instead I wrote that lovely memo to you. I know I’m being selfish, but I don’t think that Josh should have to worry about this, at least not now. He has enough on his plate between being Head Boy, his schoolwork, Quidditch, and dating a girl who is betrothed to another. I don’t want to convince him he can fly if he jumps out of the tree-house; I want him to stay safe. At least for now. Mostly because I wish I could.

Your sister,


mrbones: Return Owl
Amelia, I don't want to do this entire thing over owl, because I really think we need to actually talk to one another and you know. Work things out so we can have some semblance of the relationship we used to. Have lunch with me tomorrow? My treat, wherever you like. I'll even eat fish.

And I really do want you to be her godmother, Ames. And not that it matters, but Gill is Matty's if you'd remember (as she pretty much INSISTED on it at the time). But you're a great role model, and you're an amazing aunt, and if she became some carbon copy of mine and Sarah's beliefs I think I'd be rather disappointed that she hadn't been exposed to more opinions and learned to form her own. That's the real point. And I trust you implicitly, Amelia. With my life, Sarah's, Matty's and the baby's. No matter how many mates I had at Hogwarts, you've always been my best friend. Have I ever told you that?

Let me know about lunch.


properbones: Return Owl

As much as this pains me to say, I don’t believe our relationship will ever be remotely the same ever again. We are growing into two independent people who are completely different from the children we were years ago. But while that relationship is not salvageable, I believe there is the possibility for us to forge a different relationship. Perhaps coffee or tea might be the better option, or perhaps a different drink, to celebrate this new relationship.

I know that Gill is Matty’s godmother, which is why I suggested she be the new baby’s as well. I still am harboring some resentment over that, but it was your decision to make, and she will be a fine godmother. I don’t know if I am ready for the responsibility that comes with the position.

You’re mine too.


mrbones: Return Owl

Whatever you like, Amelia. Tea, scotch, I mean. I drink whatever you like.

I don't want her to be godmother to two of my children. She barely spends any time with Matty. And I wanted you and Josh for Matty but, Sarah insisted it had to be someone chosen by each of us. And we did the same thing for this one and she went first with you. And I agree that it's the best fit. But if you don't want to be I'll understand. It'll upset me, but I'll understand.

I'm glad.


properbones: Return Owl

No Scotch, please, it burns. How about I meet you at four at your house? Or should I be afraid of Sarah still?

Sarah picked me? Why? We're not very close. I suspect the only reason she put up with me in school was because she was dating you. But I do want to be baby's godmother. I do. I swear. I just didn't want you to feel like you were making a mistake.

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Gift to Florence Anweller [10 Nov 2007|11:14pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Delivered to House Elf to Florence Anweller )
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