The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 9th, 2007

Meta Month: Friending Frenzy!

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Welcome to Friending Frenzy, the IJ version! The purpose of a Friending Frenzy post is to act as an online mixer/introduction for people in fandom so they can make new friends. We had a Friending Frenzy at [info]lupin_snape last year, and we're past due for a new one in our new home! Here's how it works:

Leave a comment on this post - Introduce yourself to the rest of the community! Use the following template if you like.
Hi! I'm [lore, but call me lore.]

Why are you participating in the Frenzy? [new to fandom/LJ, want more friends, want recs, why not, etc.]

Likes: [(other) characters, (other) ships, genres, interests, kinks...]

What's in your IJ? LJ? JF? Other Places You Hang On-Line? [mostly fandom/mostly real life/mix of both, fic posts, art posts, recs, opinions, challenges, RPGs, icons, drabbles, fangirling, randombabble, quizzes and memes, other fandoms...]

Rec something you've done: [link to your fics/art/website/RPG/list/community/humor, etc.]
It's encouraged to chat with one another in replies or to offer recs for what someone is looking for. The ultimate goal is to hook you up with new friends. Putting your name in the ring means you're welcoming people to friend you.

This frenzy will be active until the next one and will be added to the sidebar of [info]lupin_snape on IJ.

ETA: I can see I left something important out. If someone replies here, they are welcoming you friending them. You don't have to ask, just go ahead and friend, but leaving a reply and letting someone know you have friended her/him is fun and polite.

And that's it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. For my inbox's sake, I'm going to turn off comments on this post, but you can always poke me in my journal, find me on YM or use the community email: lupinsnape @ (no spaces)

Have fun!
love, lore
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