The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

February 24th, 2013

Snupin100's 400th Challenge Celebration!

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You have a little less than 3 days to participate in Snupin100's 400th challenge: Photographic Evidence.

The lovely moderator of [info]snupin100, [info]cordeliadelayne, has offered to write a Snupin fic/drabble for every participant. So, give a drabble, get a drabble - pretty cool, huh? Artists, don't feel left out, because drawables are welcome at Snupin100 as well.

love, lore

July 3rd, 2012

Mod Post: Quickie update....

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OK, in the U.S., no one is getting much done this week because the 4th of July holiday falls in the middle of it. In fact, lots of families and professionals are probably taking some vacation time.... *whistles*

So, for now, let's continue the HPSS challenge. Postcards/Letters are continuing as a sub-theme as well.

For the rest of the month, I'm thinking of some housekeeping kind of challenges. Gather up your fic, drabbles and art, people, you're going to need it. This includes readers, as we might have some sharing discussions.

I encourage all the Snupin LDWS participants to re-post their drabbles here if they haven't already. I'd love to comment on your work individually. Links back to your journal posts are always welcome.

Also, if you're participating in the postcard exchange, feel free to share parts of what you sent or what was sent to you. I wouldn't give your whole card away, because mail is special, but if something really moves you, go ahead!

Finally, what do you all think of a little role-play for the postcard theme? *mysterious*

I'll get some stuff rolling on or before July 9, although no one has to wait for me to put up a discussion post or even a challenge! In the meantime, don't forget to respond to those who are posting here. They need your encouragement through comments!

love, lore

January 7th, 2011

Mod post: Recs, both Snupin Santa & Crack Broom, Snape's Birthday

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It's never too late to make some recs. A just made a huge post of [info]snupin_santa recs here, for example. I know the reveals are upon us, but reccing doesn't have to end with the reveals! In fact, I will continue to monitor the rec posts and send hot recs to the newsletters if you'll keep reccing and using them even after the reveals. LJ rec post || IJ rec post

Last chance for the guessing polls!

The Crack_Broom has moved Snape/Lupin back to permanent posting status. Huzzah! Ellid is reccing Snape/Lupin there this month. Those of you who signed up to rec can check out where you stand in the Big Queue here. If anyone is anxious to move up in the queue, I have May of this year and would be happy to drop back, especially for someone who's never recced there before.

Snape's Birthday is January 9. As usual, it snuck up on me! Stealthy Snape! I'll be opening a discussion topic or two that day, so we'll celebrate by making Severus' ears burn. Be thinking of/finding links to your favourite Snape-centric works!

It's Reposting and Commenting Month - don't forget!

love, your spasdic mod lore
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