The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 9th, 2015

January 9th, 2015

Art: Winter Kiss and Summer by Karasu_hime

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Santa dug deep into the bottom of his red bag and found one present that hadn't been delivered!

Title: Winter Kiss and Summer

Artist: Karasu_hime

Summary: First Kiss in the Snow and an intimate moment in Summer

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

HP Era: 1960-1981: Marauders Era, 1998-onward: After the Second War

Genre: Romance

Warnings: None

Media: Tablet and Photoshop

Artist Note: Lupin/Snape has and still is my one true OTP; it is also the community that I was most active in! I enjoyed interacting with everyone that I have met through here and a few of you I still talk to!

Snupin Santa was always one of my favorite fests! I always felt that I was somehow benefiting from the many presents, even though some were clearly meant for others! One can always dream!

Ripples, Pangs

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Title: Ripples, Pangs
Author: mayachain
Relationships: Severus Snape (& Rubeus Hagrid, & Remus Lupin)
Genre: Gen at this point in their lives
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~550
Summary: The only good thing about all the commotion this accursed term was that Severus turning thirty-five had utterly disappeared into the background.
Notes: Part 28 of the birthday!verse.

January 9th, 1995

Snupin Santa: Masterlist, Icons, final thoughts

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And now we come to the end of Snupin Santa at the end of Severus' birthday. Feel free to continue celebrating Severus for the rest of the month and we'll find our new community normal for challenges next month.

As always, there are icons for all of you to use now and in the future. There are both Snape/Lupin icons and Snape/Lupin holiday icons as well as the full-sized art donated by Shadowycat. I'd like to think that "Snupin Santa" is a term that could be used every holiday season, even if the exchange/fest is officially at rest.

Next comes copious thank-yous! My extreme adoration and appreciation go out to the following:
Shadowycat for the icon art, reminder posts, beta support, and moral support throughout Snupin Santa.
Starduchess for formatting, the master list below, and moral support, too!
McKay for starting Snupin Santa and allowing us to continue it when she stepped away.
All the creators who came out this year!
All the readers who left comments on works, especially (shout-outs!) Alisanne and Shaded_paradox, who commented on almost every piece.
Everyone who had something to do with any Snupin Santa, ever. 10 years is amazing for any community celebration, and you all leave behind a stunningly terrific legacy.
If you feel I've forgotten you in these thanks, obviously, I have, and you should poke me, because I will be properly horrified and will make sure to shout you out in a future post. But mostly, poke so you can enjoy my distraught flailing.

I thought I'd have more to say, but after 10 years, I feel nothing but proud of what this community's members have accomplished. Next year, if someone wants to run a holiday event on the community, just let me know, and maybe we can even brainstorm archival support in some form. Until then, Lupin_Snape remains at your service for any and all Remus Lupin and Severus Snape needs.

Snupin Santa 2014 Masterlist )

If you find any broken links, let me know in reply here ASAP.
Big Love to all of you. And now one last....

Ho Ho Ho
Snupin Santa
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