The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 18th, 2013

December 18th, 2013

Multimedia: Snupin Icons, by p_for_polkdots

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Title: Snupin Icons

From: p_for_polkdots

Summary: Snupin icons and banners with non-movie images.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Prompt: DDO#82 - Icon set - Other images, ideas, quotes, that make you think of Snape/Lupin

Note from Snupin Santa
Santa hopes you will all use some of these great new icons from Polka in making comments on the remaining fest pieces. It looks like we might just get past Christmas and into the last week of the month! Please reward the hard-working creative elves who are helping to make your season bright by commenting and even reccing your favourite pieces.

Remember, you can comment on the Snupin Santa site, or you can leave a comment on these announcement posts. Anonymous comments are welcome on the announcement posts as well.

Creative elves, remember to use the thumbtack symbol to track comments on these announcement posts. It's toward the top of the page with the other comment symbols.

Snupin Santa
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