The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 17th, 2012

September 17th, 2012

Last call for SnuSa sign-ups!

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So I was horrible and distracted lore from closing sign ups with drabble night last night so she decided to close sign-ups around 6 P.M. eastern time which is in about three and a half hours from now. If you want to sign up I'd get over there and do so sooner rather than later just to be safe. If you need help coming up with prompt ideas or you have questions about how SnuSa works I will be in chat for the rest of the evening (info on how to get into chat below) and barring that you can comment here and I will reply as soon as I see it. :)

Sign ups:

chat go here: and fill in the options as shown.

Connect: SlashNET [webirc] (this has a pull-down menu so just find the one that matches)
Nick: (whatever you want to be identified as)
Channel: #lupin_snape

That should get you in without a hitch, if you have problems let me know and I'll try to troubleshot for you. :)
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