The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 9th, 2012

September 9th, 2012


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This is your SNUPIN SANTA 2012 SIGN-UP POST! Whoo hoo!!

PLEASE NOTE: There are sign-up posts at both LJ and IJ. Please DO NOT sign up at both places. Pick one or the other to leave your sign-up comment.

The rules for this year's gift exchange are here on LJ, here on IJ and here on DW. Please review the rules carefully before posting your sign-up comment!

To sign up, fill out the following template completely and make a reply to this post:

LJ/IJ name:
Email address:
Rating Limitations, if any: (Up to R, PG, NC17, etc. or "See Prompts" and then put a rating limit on each prompt)
Seven (7) gift requests (each 100 words max, at least two specifically for art, type of request first, in order of preference):
What medium you're willing to create: (stories, art, icons, vids, etc.):
What content you're willing to create/you'd like to receive: (kinks, secondary pairings, dark!fic, romance, etc.)
What content you aren't willing to create/don't want to receive: (squicks, secondary pairings you don't want to see, ratings limitations, etc.)
Are you over 18?: yes/no (if no, give specific age)
Have you participated in Snupin Santa before (this includes pinch hitters)? yes/no
If you're a returning participant, from whom have you received a gift in the past? (do not skip this, it makes the matcher cry)
Link to a place where the matching mod can get an idea of your work:

All requests must be Snape/Lupin-centric, although you may request threesomes (or moresomes) involving Snape/Lupin as well as any slash or het secondary pairings you'd like to see. Remember, this is a multi-media exchange! If you have mad skills outside of traditional art and writing, feel free to sign up - early, though, if you can, so others will know to make requests for your speciality.

Elves will be checking each sign-up to be sure that you have followed the rules. If you're asked to alter your sign-up, please know it is only to make sure you follow the rules exactly so we can make the best, most joyous match for you. Requests for changes will not be because we don’t think your requests are good. ^_^

Sign-ups will be open through September 15 or when [info]lore makes a reply to this post saying "closed". You may revise your sign-up as often as you like until sign-ups are closed; after that your sign-up may not be changed.

We hope you're filled with the holiday and Snape/Lupin spirit as you create your prompts! Look for brainstorming posts to follow this one if you need inspiration. Questions? Please take them to one of the rules posts linked above so we can keep this post clear for sign-ups.

Are you excited? WE ARE! Happy Snupin Santa Sign-Ups, Everyone!
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