The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 12th, 2011

July 12th, 2011

Ah, the joys of prompting!

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If anyone's interested, HP Creatures on LJ is holding a prompt call for their 2011 Creature Fest. Have a scary movie that you could see Severus and Remus in as either protagonist, antagonist, or running-for-their-lives-ist?

These are my five prompts for the fest. I've got two that include Remus and Severus, if anyone's interested. There are other really great prompts, one of which is the original "Frankenstein" (Boris Karloff) movie with author's choice for pairing. *hint, hint* We need to get some more Snupin for Halloween, don't we?

Prompting: 6th-15th July 2011
Claiming: 17th July-1st August 2011
Submissions due: 15th September 2011
FEST BEGINS: 1st October 2011
Reveals: 31st October 2011

P.S. Remus is on the cover of their banner mag!

Hanging out in chat and some questions

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I'm going to be writing and hanging out in chat for the next six hours or so if anyone wants to pop in and keep me company. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions or requests for drabble night times or content. I was thinking lore sometimes gives us a monthly theme and we could do a drabble or two in response to the current months' theme or even make up our own theme. Also are there any requests for days and times for drabble night? Weekends usually seem to work best for everyone, but I can host them pretty much whenever. Should I go back to having two drabble nights in a row (one in the A.M. one in the P.M. my time) to make it easier for everyone who is interested can play?
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