The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011

Mod Post: BLU PH, Year-Long Challenge, Crack Broom, & other June events

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I need one more BLU author. I hope it will be the last, but.... Anyway, I would prefer a new author over someone who has already written for this round, but I'll take all offers at lupinsnape @ gmail. com and will make the assignment by June 1. I can give up to three weeks to write 5000 words, but two weeks would be better. Image is G-rated and includes Minerva if that will help inspire someone to sign up.

The end of the month is coming. Did you get your Year-Long Challenge post done? June is the only catch-up month (and you can even jump in to the challenge in June if you missed the start), meaning if you missed posting in other months, June is the one month I'll allow you to make multiple posts. Your total number of posts by the end of June should be 8, and each should be marked with the project: a decade of ssrl tag.

If you would like to add an author tag to your posts, you can use "zauthor: username" as a tag and I'll approve them as I see them. I think we've reached the point in the communities where anyone can feel free to tag work with a "zauthor: username", "zartist: username" or "zcontributor: username" tag (contributor for other creative and participatory pursuits like games and puzzles, longer rec lists, etc.). This includes going back to tag your old posts, if you wish, and includes IJ, LJ and DW Lupin_Snape communities. I don't think new tags will show up until I visit them, so be patient.

One artist has posted for the mini-BLU challenge. If you'll remember, writers can drabble/ficlet to art pieces for the Mini-BLU and the art and drabbles will appear on the site. Deadline is June 6 for art to be posted, and I'll give to June 8 for drabbles on anything posted on June 6.

The Lusty Month of May is near the end at Pervy_Werewolf. There were quite a few Snape/Lupin stories going for the month. You should pop on over there and check it out - but be sure to comment!

June is "open flying" at the Crack Broom recommendation community. That means anyone can make a Snape/Lupin rec over there in June as long as the work hasn't been recced before. Also, if you're wondering where you are on the reccing queue for the pairing, you can check out the Big Queue list. If you'd like to sign up to rec for a future month, you can do so here. (And I asked to be taken off of May, in case anyone checking the queue is wondering. ~_^)

And that's it. I guess I did the June update early. There's no official challenge in June other than Mini-BLU and catching up for the Year-Long. If you need inspiration, I invite you to check out old Mod Posts. I've decided that running a H/C fest is going to be too challenging for me this year, though, so July and August challenges are open to suggestions (or volunteer mods for challenges) right now.

Thank you all for your participation here. We're getting smaller and having to adjust, but our members are still the best around, and I never forget that. ♥

love, lore

Teddy Recs

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For this month's Decade of Snape/Lupin entry, I thought I'd put together a list of some of my favorite Snupin + Teddy fics and art. I have to admit that at first I didn't really care much for the idea of Teddy, mostly because he was a living reminder that Remus had lost faith in Severus and married someone else. However, I was quickly won over after reading a few great Teddy fics, and now I love seeing all the different ways that authors and artists bring Remus and Teddy and Severus together as a family. Plus, I have a soft spot for fics about Remus and Severus being parents, so it's only natural that Teddy fics would appeal to me!

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but just a few of my favorites. Feel free to chime in if you have any other Teddy recs that you would like to share!

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