The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 5th, 2011

February 5th, 2011

Mod Post: February Challenge, spreading the BB Art Focus word

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Kisses post on LiveJournal: More prompts and fills here!

Challenge: February Kisses

Warm or cold, romantic or violent, telling or dismissive - who doesn't want a kiss in February? In this month's challenge, you can ask for a kiss, give one, or both. Anyone should be able to play, even if you don't feel you have a creative side. Read on....

Steps to participate:
  • Reply here with a kiss-related prompt and put "Request" in the subject line. It doesn't have to be nice, it doesn't have to be long. In fact, it's a short month, I'm encouraging prompters to keep it on the simple side. Your involvement in the challenge can end here, but I hope it won't. ^_^

  • Look at the prompts and pick one that appeals to you.

  • Create or find something that somehow fulfills the prompt. It can be drabbles, art, stick figures, photo stories, images from the internet (not hotlinked), haiku, a quote, icons, or whatever your mind can come up with in response to the prompt you choose. Any rating and any "tone" (angst or romance, etc.) accepted.

  • No need to claim, prompts can be used by anyone, multiple times.

  • Either post a reply to the prompt or post to the community, crediting the prompter, with the tag "prompt: february kisses". Your post may also count toward the Year-Long Challenge.

Multiple prompts may be made, but try to keep your number of prompts on the reasonable side. There's no limit to how many prompts any one person can fill for the month. Challenge ends February 28, although late entries are always accepted.

If you need prompt inspiration, a basic format would be: a place, an object, a setting, optional additional character/s. But a prompt can also be a bit of lyric, a picture or something else entirely. The basic format is just for people who need some direction to get started.

I hope Severus and Remus will have many good and bad kisses this month! Many thanks to P-for-Polkadots for letting me steal and adapt her challenge for the month. If you'd like to play with this challenge in wider pool of characters, see P's original Kisses challenge post, also running this month, here.

I have a confession to make. Your mod is a terrible promoter. I need to spread the word about the Snupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 2, Art Focus to the wider fandom. Some of you have already made posts in your journals or other communities, and I appreciate that so very much. But I know I have some work to do, too.

If you have any ideas or suggestions of where you'd like to see the BB advertised, please let me know. I know that I find it annoying when a challenge shows up everywhere on my flist, so I'd love your suggestions of where to begin and where the BB notice might be welcome. I'll work on spreading the word on Sunday...because fandomers hate the Super Bowl, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. ~_^ Don't be surprised if I wait until Monday! Anyway, thank you for any kicks in the pants that you can give me! ♥ all!

love, lore
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