The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 2011
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08:23 am: [info]lore Mod Post: February Challenge, spreading the BB Art Focus word - 20 throaty groans
02:51 pm: [info]shadowycat Art for February Kisses: PG - 10 throaty groans
11:27 pm: [info]domaris_sky REQUEST: I need a beta-reader - 2 throaty groans
05:41 pm: [info]islandsmoke Fic: ~ Valentine's Day Kiss ~ NC17
11:57 pm: [info]whitestar Fic: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, G
01:23 am: [info]lzqsk Rec: Snupin Fanart: Mushroom Series ~ Wintry BY DAN
12:27 pm: [info]domaris_sky FUN: Candid Captions - Be My Valentine - 2 throaty groans
04:07 pm: [info]nimrod_9 (no subject) - 5 throaty groans
09:24 pm: [info]cordeliadelayne Drabble: Cold Comfort, Snape/Lupin, G
12:09 pm: [info]azure_rosa Chat! - 1 throaty groan
10:26 pm: [info]domaris_sky FEBRUARY KISSES: Troubling Kisses, R - 13 throaty groans
05:01 pm: [info]undunoops Fic: And Sometimes Darkness, part 11, SS/RL, R - 7 throaty groans
02:12 pm: [info]azure_rosa Drabble night announcement
02:19 pm: [info]azure_rosa Drabble night reminder
08:56 pm: [info]geri_chan FIC: Pink Confetti, PG
07:45 am: [info]nimrod_9 drabble night drabbles
12:43 pm: [info]snapealina 2 Drabbles from Drabble Night - 2 throaty groans
02:26 pm: [info]azure_rosa Drabbles from drabble night
03:53 pm: [info]azure_rosa Memories of a Drunken Kiss - 2 throaty groans
04:04 pm: [info]azure_rosa Kiss on a Dare - 4 throaty groans
08:41 pm: [info]torino10154 Drabble: Epiphany, PG - 6 throaty groans
10:49 pm: [info]ellid FIC POST: The Tichborne Claimant, 5.1/12 - 4 throaty groans
11:19 pm: [info]snapealina Underwater - 2 throaty groans
11:25 pm: [info]bonfoi In Your Dreams (Part One) [PG13] - 2 throaty groans
11:58 pm: [info]sitruunavohveli Drabble night drabbles
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