The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 19th, 2010

September 19th, 2010

Mod Post: Icon & Spooky Snupin reminders + cheers & thanks!

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I have to open with a resounding cheer for the return of the [info]snupin_prophet! If you're new to the pairing, you should subscribe to and support the Prophet with links because it is an invaluable round-up of our pairing on a twice-monthly basis. I hope everyone will pitch in with their links and comments; fandom rarely gets something good and useful back after a hiatus. Welcome back and thank you, McKay and Bonfoi!

Prompts are still needed for the Spooky Snupin challenge in October. Comments are screened, but I can tell you that we definitely need lots more prompts to give participants a wide range of choices. Remember, prompting does not obligate you to participate, so don't be shy. Prompting on LJ || Prompting on IJ

Icons! You want one made for you? It's not too late to ask here on LJ or here on IJ. I have to specifically commend [info]blue_cage for her efforts. There are icons there already as specific gifts and some for all to use, so be sure to check the posts out.

Tagging: [info]red_day_dawning has volunteered to catch up on tagging for the community, but you can help her out by remembering to tag your own posts. Many thanks to Red for her help!

love, lore
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