The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 1st, 2010

May 1st, 2010

Mod Post: May challenge - Lusty Month of May tie-in

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First, I want to thank all the participants of April Showers. What a great, creative month of Snape/Lupin you gave us! We might just want to do this again next year, so take a bow! ♥

Our May challenge is a tie-in with a fellow community, [info]pervy_werewolf, which is all about writing Remus in smutty situations. Pervy's May challenge is always the Lusty Month of May, and, with mod permission, we're going to tie into it this month.

Your challenge is to simply visit the Lusty Month rules and make one post there with Lupin/Snape as the pairing, using one of the three different posting tiers offered for LMoM.

Here are the rules for the month, and here's a link to a description of the different tiers. ONE post is all you need to participate for the Lupin_Snape May challenge. And remember, PG13 is the lowest rating allowed for the challenge, but if you're uncomfortable with outright smut, some romance and/or heavy petting or the allusion to some will do as well.

When you post at Pervy, please come back here and give us a link to your post so we know it's for the challenge. If you are under the age of 18, you're welcome to bring your post here and only go with a PG13 or less romance level.

Finally, if you're willing to take on the whole Lusty Month, you've only got a little while left, but it's still doable! Good luck!

Members, lots of good Snape/Lupin content over there already. The writers and artists need encouragement, so be sure to comment if you read!

love, lore
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