The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 19th, 2010

February 19th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: Home Improvement by imkalena/kalena [X/NC17]

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I read this years ago and on my hunt for romance to share, I found it again. Home Improvement (2007) [X/NC17] by Kalena on the Archive at the End of the World (a.k.a. [info]imkalena on LJ) shows how need makes strange bedfellows, and those same bedfellows can find what they were looking for by accident.

Warning: Sex Magic, Masturbation

Why I recommend it: I'd point at the warning, but it's not obvious until you read the story. This fic is about rebuilding, both in the literal as well as emotional senses. The physical descriptions are rich and layered, and the project that Harry gives Remus is just as fulfilling for us as it is for him. Severus' machinations live up to his Slytherin background, but he find's something more with his potions, and Remus' regard. It's always a pleasure to see hard work pay off, in every way.

My summary: At the war's end, Remus takes on the on the task of rehabilitating No. 12 Grimmauld Place; he has nothing left. His hard work comes with a heavy price and in a stolen moment, he finds release and Severus Snape...both things he'd never thought of having together.
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