The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 18th, 2010

February 18th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: A Life of Obscurity by Innerslytherin [R]

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A Life of Obscurity by Innerslytherin [R] (found on the Snupin Santa search page for stories under A) reminded me that love happens when we least expect it. I've been privy to such a wonder once in my life, and [info]innerslytherin captures the angst, confusion, and the joy of it so well.

Why I recommend it: Severus' confusion and Remus' doubts all add to the mess that is the journey to love. It's when they stop and think, and then jump in with both feet, that they finally find themselves in a loving embrace. The build-up, the characterizations, and the secondary characters really add to the experience.

My summary: After the war, Severus and Remus make their way through life, alone. It takes a cursed necklace, Draco's hurt feelings, and a dollop of courage to make certain they change their ways and start a journey together.

An oldie but goodie

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So who is watching the Olympics men's skating with a very Snapean Evan Lysacek battling a rather Lupin-esque Evgeni Plushenko and being sparked to re-read [info]arionrhod's "Compulsion" from the 2006 Fantasy Fest? :D
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