The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 18th, 2009

August 18th, 2009

August rec event: beach

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I would rather be at the beach. So, you get beach recs today:

Title: Sex on the Beach
Artist: ebonyserpent @ LJ
Rating: NWS
Why you should look: What the title says. Also, seaweed bondage.

Title: Aloha Means Hello and Goodbye
Author: McKay
Rating: NC-17
Alerts: Non-magical AU, wanking, sex in water, very quick glimpse of cross-dressing and spanking
Wordcount: 7500
Author's summary: Remus finds himself alone in Hawaii, unsure of what he's looking for and unaware when he finds it.
Why Ribbons rereads it from time to time: because I ♥ this Hawaiian!Snape:
Should I be wearing a floral print shirt and handing out leis as well )

August rec event: two more

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Continuing with the vacation theme...

Title: Never More
Author: [info]stasia
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 17,600
Ribbons's summary: Snape is a travel critic. Lupin owns a B&B. Neither knows this about the other, yet.
Why I reread it: among other things, Harry and Ginny are great here.

And, one more for the beach bag: this one has nothing whatsoever to do with travel, but it's simultaneously short (it was written for a timed challenge) and complex. The sort of piece that would go well with a little too much sun and sangria, when one's slightly blurry and discontent and yet hopeful...

Title: Red is the Colour
Author: louiselux
Rating: probably PG
Summary: A Death Eater cocktail party goes horribly wrong for Remus Lupin.

Rec Round-Up!

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The calendar for the August Rec Event has reccers on every day, but that doesn't mean you can't sign up! Having more than one reccer per day is fine, so if you'd like to participate, drop me a comment here on IJ or here on LJ.

The tag for the August Rec Event is "project: august 09 rec event" at both LJ and IJ; you can click the "edit tag" button and choose it from the list after you post your entry or type it in manually if your LJ posting client has a tag option. You can use the tag to see what you've missed here on IJ or here on LJ.

Rec Round-Up:
nimrod-9: here
nehalenia: here
lore: here
ellid: here
in-motu-proprio: here
rossana: here and here
iheartbowie: here
electriclady88: here
drusillas-rain: here
geri-chan: here
kopernik: here
blpaintchart: here
noukran: here
westernredcedar: here
drusillas-rain: here
ureima: here
osmalic: here
nehalenia: here
bronze-ribbons: here and here

Snupin rec event, August 19th

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(Posting note... I'm having my house painted tomorrow on my scheduled posting day and have to take down my computer, so I'm posting tonight--a few hours early.  :D )

Oh, it's been so good to read all the wonderful recs so far.  Some are old favorites, and some are new (*squee*), but all are delicious.  My turn now to share the pleasure by rec'ing the Snape/Lupin fics of [info]dingochow, an under-appreciated author, imo, who deserves lots more attention.  :D   I hope you'll check her out.

The first is a sizzling one-shot AU where Severus is a manga illustrator poised to begin a new story, and decides to re-visit a werewolf character he created (and fantasized about, *mrrrow*) during his student days.  The Secret Sketchbooks of Hebi no Komori is clever, imaginative, IC, and hot! -- nudging up against bestiality without falling into squick, and doing the naughty to your libido.  ;P  Go check it out for the novelty at the very least, but I think you'll end up loving Dingochow's deft hand and brilliant imagination by the end.  (...and her ability to melt your underpants! lol!)

The second, 'Hemlock', or the Beast Within, is a wonderful AU where Lupin, in order to be kept safe from reprisal and revenge after killing Bellatrix LeStrange and destroying the Black library, is magic'd off to muggle America where he translates foreign books into English and edits gay erotica while his magic re-vitalizes.  Enter well-meaning Gryffindors, Snape in animagus form, and quirky and suspiciously familiar OC's, and the stage is set for a clever read.  Again, Dingochow's inventiveness and consummate ability to make the zaniest of premises work, makes this one of my oft read favorites.

The final fic, The Third Attempt, is a Sherlock Holmesian mystery the equal to any by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ;-) for inventiveness, plot, and suspense.  Then add humor.  Plus... we get magic!   The characters are all very well wrought--perfectly IC, the mystery is meaty and fun, and the dialog is crackin'!  Here's the list of warnings by the author, which gives you the best idea of the story's tenor...

Warning:  wildly AU, Werewolf cliches abound, Mystery cliches abound.  A certain villain goes way over the top.  Snape insists on swanning about wearing a green cravat and being the narrator.  Mad!Harry (off camera).  Also, a threesome.

Hee!  How can you resist??? 

So that's Dingochow.  Now for a bonus...

Here's an art rec which fits in so well with the Sherlock fic that it could have been made for it.  [info]tbranch's  "Snape, Lupin as Order Spies" has a wonderfully campy tension, and exemplifies Tbranch's inimitable style to perfection.  I just want to hug these two as they throw on the stealth.  God, it makes me smile!

so, I hope you'll give these works a try, and let the author and artist know what you think. 

...and if you want to drop me a line as well, I certainly won't mind!  :D
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