The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 17th, 2009

August 17th, 2009

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Title: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol.
Author: MrsCake_akaJane
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them.
Summary: The first Christmas after the war. Snape is his usual bastard self, but the powers that be decide that it must stop now. They will use every power they can to make the dour man see sense. What will Snape see through the eyes of the spirits? . This is where the story can be found in its full form. without annoying trying to find bits. and the rest of my work too

A Hogwarts Christmas Carol Chapter Ten )

Snupin Santa 2009 Sign-Ups!

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THIS is the Snupin Santa 2008 sign-up post! :D

PLEASE NOTE: There are sign-up posts at both LJ and IJ. DO NOT sign up at both places. Pick one or the other to leave your sign-up comment. Double sign-up comments will only make things more confusing and difficult for the person who has to match participants (i.e. me).

The template and other info )

Please consider carefully whether you'll be able to follow through if you sign up. If you think you might not be able to finish your gift or if you don't think this fest is really what you're interested in, please don't let yourself get caught up in the squee and/or encouragement of friends. I'd much rather have the fest filled with people who are genuinely eager and excited about participating in it, not people who go into it thinking, "Well, I can always drop out". Indifference makes for a poor showing and headaches for the fest mod.

Snupin Rec Event: #17

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I have a more substantial rec this time: five fics from three excellent Snupin writers. Onward!

Snupin recs be here )
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