The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 16th, 2009

August 16th, 2009

1 long fic, 4 arts, 1 drabble, and Snape/Lupin all the way

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I kind of went crazy with my recs because I couldn't decide, people. Don't judge me! *cries* Two gen-ish Snape and Lupin, plus three Snape/Lupin NWS arts!

Title: The Willow
Author: Clere [info]immortalautumn
Length/Word Count: 6,480~ words
Pairing: Snape and Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Warning: harsh treatment of werewolves and questions on morality
Author's Website: Her IJ account although there's no memories. She also has one great story not archived anywhere else at the Snupin Santa Annex.
Notes: It's gems like Clere's works that keeps me coming back to despite the many times I've been burned. What's lovely about this fic is that it's not slash, but hints at the possibility of a deeper understanding. Clere writes wonderful Snape/Lupin, and this feels like a prologue to a relationship, how you go about understanding someone's past to understand the person himself. (note: This was written before HBP.)

Title: 3 Works on "Horny"
Artist: [info]blue_cage
Pairing: Snape/Lupin (with bonus hint of Harry/Draco in one of the art)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: The first art will blow your brains away, if only for the sheer hotness of Snape-against-the-wall-and-Remus-pinning-him-there. YES, HANDS. I have an obsession!

Title: Oh, Bugger! NOT WORK SAFE
Artist: [info]fanlay
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Warning: nudity
Notes: I have a thing for messy desks, beakers, science, and screw-this-we-must-have-sex-NOW works. GUH.

Title: Possession (two works) NOT WORK SAFE
Artist: [info]fanlay
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Warning: implied bestiality, cocks
Note: There are two arts here and NOT WORK SAFE. I know I'm being redundant, but I just want to be sure. For the Trading Places challenge in this com, she drew this piece to accompany [info]nehalenia's amazingly hot fic, Possession. So, uh, treat this as a double rec.

Also, just for our sanity, I would like to rec all of [info]fanlay's art. Tread carefully and mind the not-work-safe stuff!

And finally, for something short but, strangely enough, packs the punch that only [info]bronze_ribbons can deliver:

Title: Choosing Sides
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Length: 100 words
Pairing: Snape, Lupin
Rating: G
Warning: suicide attempt
Notes: This is only 100 words, but it will stun you.

...I need to volunteer for another round because I still have 5 other things I want to rec. It might either horrify or amuse you that I actually had a real crisis choosing! XD
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