The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 7th, 2009

July 7th, 2009

Fic: Damaged, R

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Title: Damaged
Author: TGP
Word Count: 2,000 (10 drabbles, 200 words)
Rating: R
Pairing: SS/RL, TS/SS
Content: Angst, Non-Com, Death, Incest
Disclaimer: I WISH Snape belonged to me but sadly, he doesn't. Nor do the rest.
Summary: He closes his eyes when he feels Remus’ lips against his forehead. He lets himself believe as Remus tells him it will be all right soon.

Damaged )

Pimpage with permission: darksnaperising [new comm]

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From the new comm, [info]darkprincesnape:

Welcome to Dark Prince Rising, a community devoted to fic, meta and art exploring the darker side of everyone's favorite Death Eater.

Are you fascinated by Young Severus the loyal DE? Intrigued by AU's in which he returns to the Dark Lord, or becomes one himself? Do you wonder what exactly a Dark wizard is, and if Severus is one? Do you simply want something a little more complex than Misunderstood Saint!Severus? If so, then welcome to the Dark Side. (We have Chocolate Frogs!)

During chat this weekend, [info]_lore was kind enough to tell me I could post this notice about [info]darkprincesnape. I thought there might be those in the [info]lupin_snape community who might be interested in Severus' darker side, before he approached Dumbledore, before he realized just what power his actions had.

Please notice that it's "darkprincesnape" as the community name and not "darkprincerising".

Thank you, [info]_lore!

Big Bang Archive is Live!

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Yes, it's true -- Snupin: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, your Snupin Big Bang, is up and running!

There are 8 stories (one with two books!) that 14 different artists worked to illustrate. Each story has been treated like a book, so each includes a cover and an author biography. Another special feature of the archive is that each artist has her art under her own name along with a biography. Click on any piece of art in any story, and you will be taken to a separate page where you can leave feedback specifically for the artist of that piece.

There is still some clean-up work being done on the site for consistency, so if you spot any problems or issues, please help us out by using the site contact form to let us know. As with any E-fiction site, the default skin is one made especially for the project from art by [info]omni_sama by our site design and support person, [info]dianamoon. All hail Omni and Diana! (Of course, if you need to change the skin for your visual needs, there are four other skins from which to choose.)

While I'm handing out hails, I'd also like to thank [info]kopernik and [info]midnight_birth for their early support on the project, and [info]scribbulus_ink for her advice, hand-holding and last-minute archiving help. We wouldn't have a BLU without any of our wonderful volunteers, authors and artists.

We started this project in January and worked for six long months to bring you the results. So, go - read, view, enjoy the BLU - and then be sure to let the authors and artists know you were there with some comments! You can choose to register or leave your comments anonymously for as long as we're not hit with spam. Some artists and authors have been waiting 4 and 5 months to know what you think, so please don't be shy in letting them know!

love, lore
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