The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 22nd, 2009

May 22nd, 2009

Official Chat Saturday

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Ok, I'm calling an official chat for Saturday, starting at 3 p.m. EST and going until the wee hours. We're going to discuss BLU, Chocolate and Asphodel, Darkside and all things Snupin. But most important, we're going to brainstorm some prompts for the Retro Fest! So if the idea is still eluding you, or if you just need some more inspiration, come on into chat at any time on Saturday and ask questions or for prompt help!

I'll be in and out of the chat room this weekend, most likely in the late evenings, in case you have needs, but Saturday doesn't work for you. And for those of you who are celebrating with friends and family this weekend, we'll try to have at least one more chat for brainstorming prompts before prompting is closed (most likely next weekend). Thanks, all!

love, lore

Meme for authors and those who read their works

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(forgot to cross-post this last night...>_>)

Considering all the writing that's been going on as of late (BLU, Darkside, etc), I thought this little meme would be a good thing for the writers in the comm to participate in. Might help boost confidence or show us where we need improvement so that we may grow and blossom.

How 'bout it? I suggest posting your thread link in a comment to this post, as opposed to making entirely new posts that will flood up the comm.


Rules for the meme:

1. If you’re a writer, comment to the main post with your username.
2. Commenters, no drama please. Play like adults. And writers, be prepared for any comment.
3. Pimp the meme out by posting the above code into your journal your comment thread's link in a comment below.
4. Be honest.

Ah! Note:
Commenters, please click on the links that the authors will post, and post anonymously in their thread. This is your chance to say something to an author that maybe you've always wanted to say, but were afraid of saying it.

Also, if you're an author and you've already posted to this meme, just include that link here, and we'll use your pre-existing thread. ^_^

Ficlet: Timeless

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Title: Timeless
Rating: G
Word count: 400
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, its characters and settings belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made.
Prompt: Their first kiss

( Timeless )

Cliche ahoy

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Title: Cliche Ahoy
Author: haces222
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Summary: Locked together on the night of the 'full moon'
Rating: Pg

A.N. A while ago I read a fantastic fic called Imprisoned by [info]blpaintchartand wanted to try writing something from a slightly different perspective and this is what I came up with. Unbeta'd but worded

clickity click for fic
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