The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 18th, 2009

May 18th, 2009

Darkside Challenge Ficlet - Better Than Nothing (NC-17)

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Author: [info]xxlareinaxx
Title: Better Than Nothing
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin and also - * There is a heavy overtone of Remus/Sirius, though Remus is not actually having sex with Sirius. *
Word Count: 500
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings : Angst, Sexual Situations, "Dark" Themes. Specifically - * Snape angst, unhealthy relationships, self-loathing, general feelings of hopelessness *
Darkside Prompt (From The Random Generator): Submission
Notes: Hi :) This is my first post here. Despite the tone of this fic, Severus/Remus IS my OTP.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters are the properties of JK Rowling. This fanfiction is for entertainment only.

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June Retro-Fest

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Question: Does this mean we have to be stringently canon compliant?

Answer: No. Although the prompts should stop at HBP, that does NOT mean stories/art have to stop there. Writers/artists will be able to create their own vision of events post-HBP (or post-OotP or post-whichever canon point they choose). The point is, you are NOT limited to writing within established canon if you want to go before or after the events of the book.

The bottom line is, we're ignoring DH and going back to a "simpler" starting point in canon, but how canon is "ended" will be entirely up to the writer/artist. Remember what you thought about canon BEFORE book [insert # here] came out? You can take up canon from there and continue it your own way.

For example, we don't know about the Dark Mark in PoA or that Snape is a spy, a half-blood, and knows Occlumency, so he could be a pure-blood, not a Death Eater, or a half-troll. You could speculate on what Lupin was doing during CoS, using only what we know about him from PoA.

Just because we're using canon as a startng point doesn't mean you can't create alternate realities, because that's the heart of what this fest is about: create different realities (and/or endings) for Snape and Lupin than they got in canon. The only things you can't do are cross-overs and alternate universes that take them out of the HP universe entirely.

Q: Does this mean we can't have kinks?

A: No, kinky smut is fine as long as you aren't under 18 or writing/drawing for someone under 18.

The Guidelines )

The Prompt Post will be open until May 31, so please leave your prompts there!
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