The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 29th, 2009

April 29th, 2009

Fun and reminder!

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We were pretty silly in chat last night and the subject morphed into "What would LOLWolves look like?" Well, Look no further.
(two links, both loosely Work Safe. If strict workplace, tread with caution).

Also, a little inspiration, in case anyone wants to try making some for the community:
images of silliness behind the cut )

Finally, has to be said, the First-Draft deadline for the BLU project is tomorrow (Thursday). While I might take late sign-ups for artists (as we're still recruiting), if authors don't send something in on the 30th, they're not going to be in the project. Sorry to be harder on the authors, but all the other deadlines hinge on us knowing what stories are complete and in beta.

And now I am done spamming the community for the night. ^_^

love, lore

Coming Soon: The Third Annual Dark Side Challenge...

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Oh, you didn't think we were going to skip it this year, did you? Mwahahaha.

Sharpen your knives, get your cauldron ready for eeeevil potions, and prepare yourselves for a good werewolf mauling or two. Start brainstorming your darkest betrayal ideas, mindfucks, and insidious scenarios.

The Third Annual Dark Side of Snape/Lupin Challenge is coming!

Stay tuned for more details and prompts on May 1...
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