The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 5th, 2009

April 5th, 2009

Mod Post: April Challenge, project reminders, state of the communities and more!

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Don't forget to change your Desktops!

And in the spirit of the season, this month's challenge is simple titled: Fools

Write, draw, drabble, create anything involving Lupin/Snape and any version of the word "fool" you can think of. There is no minimum or maximum word count or effort involved. The deadline for posting your effort is APRIL 30.

We seem to be in a bit of a community slump, so for this challenge, I gathered up some quotes and images to help inspire your efforts. If nothing below helps, you're always welcome to reply here seeking the kind of prompts that will inspire you.

Inspirational quotes and images under here - no claiming necessary )

Ongoing projects you can easily jump into:
Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut - Our version of a Big Bang. Deadline to sign up for writers and artists is April 30, which is also the first-draft deadline.

Chocolate and Asphodel 2: A community project that gathers up creative pursuits for later presentation in a single format. Deadline is July 1.

State of the Lupin_Snape Communities )

Remember, whether you prefer to operate on LiveJournal or InsaneJournal, the challenges and mod posts are made to both communities. And even if you are devoted to one journal system or the other, you can always follow the sister [info]lupin_snape on your journal through a syndication feed. If you are on InsaneJournal, you can add the LJ feed here. If you are on LiveJournal, you can add the IJ feed here.

Finally, the April Theme Search only has one response so far, and that's from posts on both journals. As McKay said, we don't do the searching for you, and anyone can submit a story to the theme list, so if you have a favourite story you want to see on the lists, which people search when they're in the mood for certain kinds of stories, you'll have to add it to the search post. This month's theme search is Werewolf!Snape. Any stories, including AUs and ARs, in which Snape is a werewolf either instead of, because of, or in conjunction with Remus are eligible.

And that's it for now! Thank you, one and all, for still being here and enjoying the community and pairing. You guys are the ones who make this place special. ♥

love, lore

Art: "At Last" by Veridian Dair, PG

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I am livid with proudness that Veridian Dair did art for me! AND it's her first SNUPIN! Yes! *punches air*

Title: At Last
Artist: Veridian Dair
Rating: PG - naked torsos
Notes: I asked her to be in the Snupin:BLU, but RL prevented her from committing (Real Life - not Remus Lupin. I'ts okay, it happens to me all the time). For my birthday, she ventured away from Snarry and made this gorgeous piece. Please enjoy!
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