The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 10th, 2009

March 10th, 2009

Birthday Ficlet: Five Easy Steps to Shutting Up Remus Lupin (SS/RL) PG

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Five Easy Steps to Shutting Up Remus Lupin

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG (rating edited)
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: In an alternate Marauder’s Era, Voldemort was vanquished and Severus Snape let his inner bondage lover out. Lucky Remus was there to benefit…and on his birthday, too!
Challenge: none
Word Count: 1,460
Genre: Alternate Reality/Alternate Universe, Romance, Humor, Fluff, Bondage
Warnings: Frotting, Bondage, Self-beta’d
A/N 1: Based on morbidlizard’s picture, "I did warn you...." This was a truly lovely piece of art that sparked my imagination. I hope it sparks yours as well!
A/N 2: After few months of recuperating from an accident, I had a brainstorm. Using this as an exercise for my broken fingers, and a celebration of Snupin, I give you my homage to that great lycanthrope’s birthday…Happy Birthday, Remus!
A/N 3: I didn’t refer to the word list, but I have an excuse! *LOL* I think I skirted quite a few of the words, actually.

Severus Snape loves his boyfriend so much, he shuts himself away on a beautiful day. Remus won't let him and things get a bound sort of way!

Art for Remus's Birthday :D

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Title: Wolfsbane
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Challenge: Remus's Birthday Challenge
Notes: Just a quick sketch to say...Happy Birthday! :)

Wolfsbane )

Fic: Red Serpent (4/12)

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Title: Red Serpent (4/12)
Author/Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: death, destruction, sex, violence, torture and a gratuitous explosion or two. Yikes.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated characters belong to JK Rowling. James Bond was created by Ian Fleming.
Extra Disclaimer: I didn't think I needed to say this but as this work of fiction is intended as an homage to Ian Fleming's James Bond novels. In keeping with this aim the action takes place in the mid-twentieth century and, as such, will contain views and morality appropriate for that time.
Word Count: 2853 (31881 overall)
Summary: Remus Lupin is a spy, one of British Intelligence's finest, and this may be his most deadly mission yet. Armed with only his native wit and courage and assisted by the enigmatic and magnetic Severus Snape he must penetrate deep into Communist Russia to bring down the powerful Lord Voldemort.
A/n: This fic contains illustrations, set in the appropriate places within the text. Love to [info]drachenmina for the fabulous beta.
Chapter One: M's Man - Chapter Two: A Bar With A Reputation - Chapter Three: Dinner For Two

( Chapter Four: Small Spoaces and Close Encounters )

Birthday Ficlet: Thirty-Nine (March edition)

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Title: Thirty-Nine (March edition)
Author: mayachain ([info]ms_jvh_shuh)
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~250
Prompt: Neville Longbottom
Summary: Turning thirty-nine is not sufficient reason to escape the full moon.
Note: Connected to Severus' January 9th ficlets here

Thirty-Nine (March edition) )

Birthday Drabble: Wish upon...

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Title: Wish upon...
Author/Artist: [info]naurael
Rating: PG-13? I mean, it does mention gay desires...
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Alas, not mine.
Word Count: 100 exactly. (Ok, 102 including the title...)
Prompt: candle
Summary: Sometimes, wishes have to be seen in a certain light... (How the... do you summarize a drabble?! :)
AN: Beta'ed by the fabulous [info]aunty_marion. Aaaand crossposted to livejournal.

To the drabble! )

Drabble: My Apologies

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Title: My Apologies
Author: [info]tjwritter 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: Harry
Summary: Remus knows how to get what he wants on his birthday.


Happy Birthday Remus )

Art: Expecto Patronum! (Birthday Challenge)

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Title: Expecto Patronum! (or: The Things that Make Lupin Happy)
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: G
Challenge: Remus' Birthday Challenge (though nothing really about birthdays in the art...but the BONUS FICLET has a birthday party reference); prompt: "patronus"
Characters/Pairing: Lupin, Harry, Ron, Hermione; (implied Lupin/Snape)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the scribbles (and writing).
Note: We are never given Lupin's patronus, to my knowledge. Here are several takes on what that patronus just might be...

You know, Remus, you've never shown us what YOURS looks like... )

Fic: "Pigtails" NC-17

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Happy Birthday, Remus!
Title: Pigtails
Author: Book7BrokeMyBrain
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s)/character(s): MWPP, Severus Snape
Summary: The Marauders have pulled their worst prank to date on Snape. It's up to Lupin to undo it.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
Warnings: Cross-dressing, adolescent sex, bondage, dub-con, bad hair.
Notes: Beta'd by [info]asnowyowl . Thanks, as always.

Link to my LJ:

Theme List

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February's theme list has been compiled: Raising Teddy. It's also been added to the Thematic List page on the RL/SS wiki.

ART: Birthday Boy, G (Birthday Challenge)

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Title: Birthday Boy
Artist: Me :)
Rating: G
Challenge: For Remus' Birthday Challenge. The word I claimed was 'chocolate'.
Tools: Photoshop CS2

LOL he looks so dorky XD )
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