The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 9th, 2009

March 9th, 2009

Remus happy fun birthday time!

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In celebration of our favourite werewolf's birthday:

Title: Pisces.
Author: [info]skree_ratling
Rating: NWS - (Not terribly explicit but let's err on the side of caution...)
Warnings: A bit of language; dangly bits.
Wordage: 300
[Edit: D'oh, forgot the disclaimer. They're not mine; fic is for fun not profit, etc.]

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Birthday Ficlet: six ninths of forty-five

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My world clock states that it's the March 10th already somewhere, so:

Title: six ninths of forty-five
Author: mayachain ([info]ms_jvh_shuh)
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~700
Prompt: Dumbledore
Summary: chocolate cake(s), Neville Longbottom, and a message from beyond the grave
Disclaimer: only the oranges are mine!

six ninths of forty-five )

WIP: The Kink of the Month Club

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This is my contribution to Remus' birthday celebration. I chose "pervy werewolf", and I had the idea of writing a set of drabbles, but they kind of exploded on me, and things are busy enough that I'm not sure I'll finish by tomorrow night. So I'm posting what I've got, and I'll update/finish as soon as I can.

Title: The Kink of the Month Club
By: McKay
Rated: NC17
Prompt: "pervy werewolf"
Summary: When Severus asks what he wants for his birthday, Remus has a list prepared.
Content: sex toys (so far)
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