The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 7th, 2009

February 7th, 2009

Snupin Fic: "Frolics in the Wool Shop, or The Chart Is Always Right"

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Title: Frolics in the Wool Shop, or The Chart Is Always Right
Author: nehalenia
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Rating: R (just to be safe)
Summary: Handicrafts gone awry and boys haberdashing in dark corners. A thank you gift for [info]blpaintchart, since I have been the glad recipient of a gift of Evil Handicrafts. Given the style, please consider this both a gift and an homage. I tried for a dose of [info]blpaintchart's wonderful humor but, alas, it just devolved into smut. (As things usually do with me and these boys.)
Author's notes: A Tip of the Hat to a certain Snusa fic featuring chest waxing and olive green corduroys, but if you blink, you might miss the reference. ;-)
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Potterverse. This is presented for entertainment purposes only and no profit is being made or sought.

So, one day last month I got a small and mysterious package in the mail. No return address. The only clues were a 'Par Avion' stamp and some tiny government issued prints of a regal lady doomed to become a frumpy woman with large handbags and a great many waddling little dogs. (Don't get me wrong; I like corgis. I really do.) Here is a photo of what I found inside. (Given the colours, I thought my cat Phoebe made a rather nice backdrop. Amazingly, she seems to approve. And of course, so do I!) As anyone can plainly see, [info]ghot's art and [info]blpaintchart's skilz make for an excellent pairing, don't they?

Cut to preserve the dignity of my cat )

There are times when mere thank you notes do not suffice. Like, those times when inspiration -- such as it is -- strikes. This was one of them. Dear [info]blpaintchart, thank you so much, and may your hands feel better very soon indeed. I hope you enjoy this.

Frolics in the Wool Shop )

ETA: Just in case you're wondering, here's a photo of something similar to the 'bark fibre travesty' Remus made for his own dear Severus: I imagine the 'Here, try it on' scenario went something like the bunny suit scene from 'A Christmas Story', only... not quite.
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