The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 6th, 2009

February 6th, 2009

Mod Post: February challenge and reminders

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Our February challenge:
The Vagaries of Romance

I've made this challenge a simple one because we have so many projects going on. Create something that references romance in some way, good or bad, with a twist. For the purposes of this challenge, Snape and Lupin must appear in your creation, but if they are not in a romantic relationship, that is allowable as long as romance's vagaries are addressed in the creation as well. In other words, whether you love this month of romance or not, you can certainly create something that will please you and others. Deadline for posting is February 28.

Remus' Birthday is March 10, and I think we'll celebrate his the same way we did Snape's. So if anyone wants to send me a list of Remus-related words for claiming, please feel free to do so at the mod mail address.

The Snupin: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (BLU) project launched last month. Remember, we will be accepting authors and artists for the project until April 30. If you have a friend you'd like to point toward the BLU project, please feel free to have them contact me at the mod mail.

Also, writers and artists who are signed up - please be sure you have always watched/friended your respective community for the project. BLU writers, this means you should be watching on your flist [info]snape_lupin, BLU artists should be watching [info]snupin. There is already fic available for the artists to peruse on the Snupin community. Participants, remember, the communities are your space for questions or support, so you need to be keeping an eye on them.

For everyone else not participating, you're welcome to share plot ideas anonymously here, still. You never know who will go looking for an idea if someone finds the time to write.

The February Theme search is Raising Teddy (ie: not other children, not general family stories, but Teddy specifically as the focus of the story). This includes AU and ARs. Authors, you are welcome to post your own fic to any thematic search that it fits, so don't be shy. I know there's more Teddy fic out there than what's already been listed, so don't forget to post links (yours or someone else's) before the end of the month.

Do you save fics to your hard drive? McKay posted some useful information here for saving from the Snupin Santa archive, as well as other eFiction-based archives. As an author, you might consider that Smart Quotes defeat the saving of fic from most sites because it turns quotes into question marks if a file is saved as text. Down with Smart Quotes! ^_^

Some "other" pimping:
The long-running [info]snark_n_bark RPG is looking for players interested in taking on canon characters in the game. You should read the post closely if you would like to be considered for the game.

I hesitate to lead anyone away from Snupin, but I am always looking for Snupin in other formats, if that makes sense, so I have a fest to pimp. There is an active community on IJ dedicated to the manga artist Youka Nitta, who created a long-running title named Haru wo Daiteita, or Embracing Love. Well. Other than the prettiness of the character I equate with Snape, reading Embracing Love is kind of like reading a Snupin AU, where Snape and Lupin are Japanese Adult Video actors trying to break out into the mainstream acting world. If this interests you, I suggest checking out [info]youka_nitta on IJ or Nitta_Youka on LJ. The LJ community is very new, but it is trying to draw creators to work in all of Youka Nitta's universes by holding an Embracing Spring Fest. At this point, the fest is taking prompts, and I believe any Snupin/Embracing Love crossover suggestions might attract some creators...Just don't leave [info]lupin_snape behind for it! ~_^

Chocolate & Asphodel information will be coming soon, but there's no reason not to go ahead and be working on a submission if you're wanting to make one. Otherwise, that's all I have this week! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply or send an email. *HUGS COMMUNITY* May your February be warmed by the blaze of romance and/or the hearth of good friends. ♥

love, lore
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